Computes the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for a data packet as remainder of the polynomial division of the message by the given generator polynomial (GEN).
The computation is unrolled so as to process an arbitrary number of message bits per step. The generated CRC is independent from the chosen processing width.
Entity Declaration:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | entity comm_crc is
generic (
GEN : bit_vector; -- Generator Polynomial
BITS : positive; -- Number of Bits to be processed in parallel
STARTUP_RMD : std_logic_vector := "0";
OUTPUT_REGS : boolean := true
port (
clk : in std_logic; -- Clock
set : in std_logic; -- Parallel Preload of Remainder
init : in std_logic_vector(abs(mssb_idx(GEN)-GEN'right)-1 downto 0); --
step : in std_logic; -- Process Input Data (MSB first)
din : in std_logic_vector(BITS-1 downto 0); --
rmd : out std_logic_vector(abs(mssb_idx(GEN)-GEN'right)-1 downto 0); -- Remainder
zero : out std_logic -- Remainder is Zero
end entity comm_crc;