Source code for Base.Shared

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
# Python Class:     Base class for ***
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
import shutil
from datetime           import datetime
from os                 import chdir

from Base import IHost
from lib.Functions      import Init
from lib.Parser         import ParserException
from Base.Exceptions    import CommonException, SkipableCommonException
from Base.Logging       import ILogable
from Base.Project       import ToolChain, Tool, VHDLVersion, Environment
from DataBase.Solution  import VirtualProject, FileListFile

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

# local helper function
[docs]def to_time(seconds): """ Convert *n* seconds to a :py:class:`str` with this pattern: "{min}:{sec:02}". :type seconds: int :param seconds: Number of seconds to be converted. :rtype: str :return: Returns a string formatted as #:##. E.g. "1:05" """ minutes = int(seconds / 60) seconds -= minutes * 60 return "{min}:{sec:02}".format(min=minutes, sec=seconds)
[docs]class Shared(ILogable): """ Base class for Simulator and Compiler. :type host: object :param host: The hosting instance for this instance. :type dryRun: bool :param dryRun: Enable dry-run mode :type noCleanUp: bool :param noCleanUp: Don't clean up after a run. """ ENVIRONMENT = Environment.Any TOOL_CHAIN = ToolChain.Any TOOL = Tool.Any VHDL_VERSION = VHDLVersion.VHDL2008 class __Directories__: Working = None PoCRoot = None def __init__(self, host : IHost, dryRun): ILogable.__init__(self, host.Logger if isinstance(host, ILogable) else None) self._host = host self._dryRun = dryRun self._pocProject = None self._directories = self.__Directories__() self._toolChain = None self._vhdlVersion = self.VHDL_VERSION self._vhdlGenerics = None self._testSuite = None self._startAt = self._endAt = None self._lastEvent = self._startAt self._prepareTime = None # class properties # ============================================================================ @property def Host(self): return self._host @property def DryRun(self): return self._dryRun @property def VHDLVersion(self): return self._vhdlVersion @property def PoCProject(self): return self._pocProject @property def Directories(self): return self._directories
[docs] def _GetTimeDeltaSinceLastEvent(self): now = result = now - self._lastEvent self._lastEvent = now return result
[docs] def _PrepareEnvironment(self): # create fresh temporary directory self.LogVerbose("Creating fresh temporary directory.") if (self.Directories.Working.exists()): self._PrepareEnvironment_PurgeDirectory() # self.LogDebug("Purging temporary directory: {0!s}".format(self.Directories.Working)) # for item in self.Directories.Working.iterdir(): # try: # if item.is_dir(): # shutil.rmtree(str(item)) # elif item.is_file(): # item.unlink() # except OSError as ex: # raise CommonException("Error while deleting '{0!s}'.".format(item)) from ex else: self._PrepareEnvironment_CreatingDirectory() # self.LogDebug("Creating temporary directory: {0!s}".format(self.Directories.Working)) # try: # self.Directories.Working.mkdir(parents=True) # except OSError as ex: # raise CommonException("Error while creating '{0!s}'.".format(self.Directories.Working)) from ex self._PrepareEnvironment_ChangeDirectory()
# change working directory to temporary path # self.LogVerbose("Changing working directory to temporary directory.") # self.LogDebug("cd \"{0!s}\"".format(self.Directories.Working)) # try: # chdir(str(self.Directories.Working)) # except OSError as ex: # raise CommonException("Error while changing to '{0!s}'.".format(self.Directories.Working)) from ex
[docs] def _PrepareEnvironment_PurgeDirectory(self): self.LogDebug("Purging temporary directory: {0!s}".format(self.Directories.Working)) for item in self.Directories.Working.iterdir(): try: if item.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(str(item)) elif item.is_file(): item.unlink() except OSError as ex: raise CommonException("Error while deleting '{0!s}'.".format(item)) from ex
[docs] def _PrepareEnvironment_CreatingDirectory(self): self.LogDebug("Creating temporary directory: {0!s}".format(self.Directories.Working)) try: self.Directories.Working.mkdir(parents=True) except OSError as ex: raise CommonException("Error while creating '{0!s}'.".format(self.Directories.Working)) from ex
[docs] def _PrepareEnvironment_ChangeDirectory(self): """Change working directory to temporary path 'temp/<tool>'.""" self.LogVerbose("Changing working directory to temporary directory.") self.LogDebug("cd \"{0!s}\"".format(self.Directories.Working)) try: chdir(str(self.Directories.Working)) except OSError as ex: raise CommonException("Error while changing to '{0!s}'.".format(self.Directories.Working)) from ex
[docs] def _Prepare(self): self.LogNormal("Preparing {0}.".format(self.TOOL.LongName))
[docs] def _CreatePoCProject(self, projectName, board): # create a PoCProject and read all needed files self.LogVerbose("Creating PoC project '{0}'".format(projectName)) pocProject = VirtualProject(projectName) # configure the project pocProject.RootDirectory = self.Host.Directories.Root pocProject.Environment = self.ENVIRONMENT pocProject.ToolChain = self.TOOL_CHAIN pocProject.Tool = self.TOOL pocProject.VHDLVersion = self._vhdlVersion pocProject.Board = board self._pocProject = pocProject
[docs] def _AddFileListFile(self, fileListFilePath): self.LogVerbose("Reading filelist '{0!s}'".format(fileListFilePath)) # add the *.files file, parse and evaluate it # if (not fileListFilePath.exists()): raise SimulatorException("Files file '{0!s}' not found.".format(fileListFilePath)) from FileNotFoundError(str(fileListFilePath)) try: fileListFile = self._pocProject.AddFile(FileListFile(fileListFilePath)) fileListFile.Parse(self._host) fileListFile.CopyFilesToFileSet() fileListFile.CopyExternalLibraries() self._pocProject.ExtractVHDLLibrariesFromVHDLSourceFiles() except (ParserException, CommonException) as ex: raise SkipableCommonException("Error while parsing '{0!s}'.".format(fileListFilePath)) from ex self.LogDebug("=" * 78) self.LogDebug("Pretty printing the PoCProject...") self.LogDebug("{DARK_RED}Disabled{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground)) # self.LogDebug(self._pocProject.pprint(2)) self.LogDebug("=" * 78) if (len(fileListFile.Warnings) > 0): for warn in fileListFile.Warnings: self.LogWarning(warn) raise SkipableCommonException("Found critical warnings while parsing '{0!s}'".format(fileListFilePath))
[docs] def _GetHDLParameters(self, configSectionName): """Parse option 'HDLParameters' for Verilog Parameters / VHDL Generics.""" result = {} hdlParameters = self.Host.PoCConfig[configSectionName]["HDLParameters"] if (len(hdlParameters) > 0): for keyValuePair in hdlParameters.split(";"): try: key,value = keyValuePair.split("=") except ValueError: raise CommonException("Syntax error in option 'HDLParameters' within section {section}.".format(section=configSectionName)) result[key.strip()] = value.strip() return result