Source code for Compiler.XCOCompiler

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
# Python Module:    Xilinx Core Generator (compiler) compiles xco IPCores to netlists.
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from datetime               import datetime
from os                     import chdir
from pathlib                import Path
from shutil                 import copy as shutil_copy
from textwrap               import dedent

from Base.Project           import ToolChain, Tool
from DataBase.Entity        import WildCard
from ToolChain.Xilinx.ISE   import ISE, ISEException
from Compiler               import CompilerException, SkipableCompilerException, CompileState, Compiler as BaseCompiler

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class Compiler(BaseCompiler): TOOL_CHAIN = ToolChain.Xilinx_ISE TOOL = Tool.Xilinx_CoreGen def __init__(self, host, dryRun, noCleanUp): super().__init__(host, dryRun, noCleanUp) configSection = host.PoCConfig['CONFIG.DirectoryNames'] self.Directories.Working = host.Directories.Temp / configSection['ISECoreGeneratorFiles'] self.Directories.Netlist = host.Directories.Root / configSection['NetlistFiles'] self._PrepareCompiler()
[docs] def _PrepareCompiler(self): super()._PrepareCompiler() iseSection = self.Host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.Xilinx.ISE'] version = iseSection['Version'] installationDirectory = Path(iseSection['InstallationDirectory']) binaryPath = Path(iseSection['BinaryDirectory']) self._toolChain = ISE(self.Host.Platform, self.DryRun, binaryPath, version, logger=self.Logger) self._toolChain.PreparseEnvironment(installationDirectory)
[docs] def RunAll(self, fqnList, *args, **kwargs): """Run a list of netlist compilations. Expand wildcards to all selected netlists.""" self._testSuite.StartTimer() self.Logger.BaseIndent = int(len(fqnList) > 1) try: for fqn in fqnList: entity = fqn.Entity if (isinstance(entity, WildCard)): self.Logger.BaseIndent = 1 for netlist in entity.GetCoreGenNetlists(): self.TryRun(netlist, *args, **kwargs) else: netlist = entity.CGNetlist self.TryRun(netlist, *args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.LogError("Received a keyboard interrupt.") finally: self._testSuite.StopTimer() self.PrintOverallCompileReport() return self._testSuite.IsAllSuccess
[docs] def Run(self, netlist, board): super().Run(netlist, board) self._prepareTime = self._GetTimeDeltaSinceLastEvent() self.LogNormal("Executing pre-processing tasks...") self._state = CompileState.PreCopy self._RunPreCopy(netlist) self._state = CompileState.PrePatch self._RunPreReplace(netlist) self._preTasksTime = self._GetTimeDeltaSinceLastEvent() self.LogNormal("Running Xilinx Core Generator...") self._state = CompileState.Compile self._RunCompile(netlist, board.Device) self._compileTime = self._GetTimeDeltaSinceLastEvent() self.LogNormal("Executing post-processing tasks...") self._state = CompileState.PostCopy self._RunPostCopy(netlist) self._state = CompileState.PostPatch self._RunPostReplace(netlist) self._state = CompileState.PostDelete self._RunPostDelete(netlist) self._postTasksTime = self._GetTimeDeltaSinceLastEvent() self._endAt =
[docs] def _WriteSpecialSectionIntoConfig(self, device): # add the key Device to section SPECIAL at runtime to change interpolation results self.Host.PoCConfig['SPECIAL'] = {} self.Host.PoCConfig['SPECIAL']['Device'] = device.FullName self.Host.PoCConfig['SPECIAL']['DeviceSeries'] = device.Series self.Host.PoCConfig['SPECIAL']['OutputDir'] = self.Directories.Working.as_posix()
[docs] def _RunCompile(self, netlist, device): self.LogVerbose("Patching coregen.cgp and .cgc files...") # read netlist settings from configuration file xcoInputFilePath = netlist.XcoFile cgcTemplateFilePath = self.Directories.Netlist / "template.cgc" cgpFilePath = self.Directories.Working / "coregen.cgp" cgcFilePath = self.Directories.Working / "coregen.cgc" xcoFilePath = self.Directories.Working / if (self.Host.Platform == "Windows"): WorkingDirectory = ".\\temp\\" else: WorkingDirectory = "./temp/" # write CoreGenerator project file cgProjectFileContent = dedent("""\ SET addpads = false SET asysymbol = false SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped SET createndf = false SET designentry = VHDL SET device = {Device} SET devicefamily = {DeviceFamily} SET flowvendor = Other SET formalverification = false SET foundationsym = false SET implementationfiletype = Ngc SET package = {Package} SET removerpms = false SET simulationfiles = Behavioral SET speedgrade = {SpeedGrade} SET verilogsim = false SET vhdlsim = true SET workingdirectory = {WorkingDirectory} """.format( Device=device.ShortName.lower(), DeviceFamily=device.FamilyName.lower(), Package=(str(device.Package).lower() + str(device.PinCount)), SpeedGrade=device.SpeedGrade, WorkingDirectory=WorkingDirectory )) self.LogDebug("Writing CoreGen project file to '{0}'.".format(cgpFilePath)) with'w') as cgpFileHandle: cgpFileHandle.write(cgProjectFileContent) # write CoreGenerator content? file self.LogDebug("Reading CoreGen content file to '{0}'.".format(cgcTemplateFilePath)) with'r') as cgcFileHandle: cgContentFileContent = cgContentFileContent = cgContentFileContent.format( name="lcd_ChipScopeVIO", device=device.ShortName, devicefamily=device.FamilyName, package=(str(device.Package) + str(device.PinCount)), speedgrade=device.SpeedGrade ) self.LogDebug("Writing CoreGen content file to '{0}'.".format(cgcFilePath)) with'w') as cgcFileHandle: cgcFileHandle.write(cgContentFileContent) # copy xco file into temporary directory self.LogVerbose("Copy CoreGen xco file to '{0}'.".format(xcoFilePath)) self.LogDebug("cp {0!s} {1!s}".format(xcoInputFilePath, self.Directories.Working)) try: shutil_copy(str(xcoInputFilePath), str(xcoFilePath)) except OSError as ex: raise CompilerException("Error while copying '{0!s}'.".format(xcoInputFilePath)) from ex # change working directory to temporary CoreGen path self.LogDebug("cd {0!s}".format(self.Directories.Working)) try: chdir(str(self.Directories.Working)) except OSError as ex: raise CompilerException("Error while changing to '{0!s}'.".format(self.Directories.Working)) from ex # running CoreGen # ========================================================================== self.LogVerbose("Executing CoreGen...") coreGen = self._toolChain.GetCoreGenerator() coreGen.Parameters[coreGen.SwitchProjectFile] = "." # use current directory and the default project name coreGen.Parameters[coreGen.SwitchBatchFile] = str(xcoFilePath) coreGen.Parameters[coreGen.FlagRegenerate] = True try: coreGen.Generate() except ISEException as ex: raise CompilerException("Error while compiling '{0!s}'.".format(netlist)) from ex if coreGen.HasErrors: raise SkipableCompilerException("Error while compiling '{0!s}'.".format(netlist))