Source code for DataBase.Config

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
# Python Class:     TODO
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from enum                 import Enum, unique
from re                   import compile as re_compile

from ToolChain            import ConfigurationException

__api__ = [
	'Families', 'GenericFamilies', 'AlteraFamilies', 'LatticeFamilies', 'XilinxFamilies',
	'Devices',  'GenericDevices',  'AlteraDevices',  'LatticeDevices',  'XilinxDevices',
	'SubTypes', 'GenericSubTypes', 'AlteraSubTypes', 'LatticeSubTypes', 'XilinxSubTypes',
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class BaseEnum(Enum): def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return str(self).lower()
[docs]class Vendors(BaseEnum): Unknown = 0 Generic = 1 Altera = 2 Lattice = 3 MicroSemi = 4 Xilinx = 5 def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return str(self).lower()
[docs]class Families(BaseEnum): """Base enum for all Family enums.""" # @CachedReadOnlyProperty @property def Token(self): return self.value
[docs]class GenericFamilies(Families): """Enumeration of all generic families.""" Unknown = None Generic = "g"
[docs]class AlteraFamilies(Families): """Enumeration of all Altera families.""" Max = "m" Cyclone = "c" Arria = "a" Stratix = "s"
[docs]class LatticeFamilies(Families): """Enumeration of all Lattice families.""" ECP = "lfe"
# TODO: MachXO, iCE, ...
[docs]class XilinxFamilies(Families): """Enumeration of all Xilinx families.""" Spartan = "s" Artix = "a" Kintex = "k" Virtex = "v" Zynq = "z"
[docs]class Devices(BaseEnum): """Base enum for all Device enums."""
[docs]class GenericDevices(Devices): """Enumeration of all generic devices.""" Unknown = 0 Generic = 1
[docs]class AlteraDevices(Devices): """Enumeration of all Altera devices.""" # Altera.Max devices Max2 = 100 Max4 = 101 Max5 = 102 Max10 = 103 # Altera.Cyclone devices Cyclone3 = 110 Cyclone4 = 111 Cyclone5 = 112 # Altera.Arria devices Arria2 = 120 Arria5 = 121 # Altera.Stratix devices Stratix2 = 130 Stratix4 = 131 Stratix5 = 132 Stratix10 = 133
[docs]class LatticeDevices(Devices): """Enumeration of all Lattice devices.""" # Lattice.iCE device iCE40 = 200 # Lattice.MachXO MachXO = 210 MachXO2 = 211 MachXO3 = 212 # Lattice.ECP ECP2 = 220 ECP3 = 221 ECP5 = 222
[docs]class XilinxDevices(Devices): """Enumeration of all Xilinx devices.""" # Xilinx.Spartan devices Spartan3 = 310 Spartan6 = 311 # Spartan7 = 312 # Xilinx.Artix devices Artix7 = 320 # Xilinx.Kintex devices Kintex7 = 330 KintexUltraScale = 331 KintexUltraScalePlus = 332 # Xilinx.Virtex devices Virtex2 = 340 Virtex4 = 341 Virtex5 = 342 Virtex6 = 343 Virtex7 = 344 VirtexUltraScale = 345 VirtexUltraScalePlus = 346 # Xilinx.Zynq devices Zynq7000 = 350
[docs]class SubTypes(BaseEnum): """Base enum for all SubType enums.""" # @CachedReadOnlyProperty @property def Groups(self): return self.value
[docs]class GenericSubTypes(SubTypes): """Enumeration of all generic device subtype.""" Unknown = None Generic = 1 NoSubType = ("", "")
[docs]class AlteraSubTypes(SubTypes): """Enumeration of all Altera device subtype.""" NoSubType = ("", "") LS = ("ls", "") E = ("e", "") GS = ("gs", "") GX = ("gx", "") GT = ("gt", "") GZ = ("gz", "") SX = ("sx", "") ST = ("st", "")
[docs]class LatticeSubTypes(SubTypes): """Enumeration of all Lattice device subtype.""" NoSubType = ("", "") U = ("u", "") UM = ("um", "")
[docs]class XilinxSubTypes(SubTypes): """Enumeration of all Xilinx device subtype.""" NoSubType = ("", "") DA = ("d", "a") E = ("", "e") AN = ("", "an") X = ("x", "") T = ("", "t") XT = ("x", "t") HT = ("h", "t") LX = ("lx", "") SXT = ("sx", "t") LXT = ("lx", "t") TXT = ("tx", "t") FXT = ("fx", "t") CXT = ("cx", "t") HXT = ("hx", "t")
[docs]class Packages(BaseEnum): Unknown = 0 Generic = 1 TQG = 10 CLG = 20 CPG = 21 CSG = 22 CABGA = 25 FBG = 30 FF = 31 FFG = 32 FG = 33 FGG = 34 FLG = 35 FT = 36 FTG = 37 RB = 40 RBG = 41 RF = 42 RS = 43 E = 50 Q = 51 F = 52 U = 53 M = 54
[docs]class Device: def __init__(self, deviceString): # Device members self.__vendor = Vendors.Unknown self.__family = GenericFamilies.Unknown self.__device = GenericDevices.Unknown self.__generation = 0 self.__subtype = GenericSubTypes.Unknown self.__number = 0 self.__speedGrade = 0 self.__package = Packages.Unknown self.__pinCount = 0 self.__deviceString = deviceString if (not isinstance(deviceString, str)): raise ValueError("Parameter 'deviceString' is not of type str.") if ((deviceString is None) or (deviceString == "")): raise ValueError("Parameter 'deviceString' is empty.") # vendor = GENERIC # ========================================================================== if (deviceString[0:2].lower() == "ge"): self._DecodeGeneric() # ge - Generic FPGA device elif (deviceString[0:2].lower() == "xc"): self._DecodeXilinx(deviceString) # xc - Xilinx devices (XC = Xilinx Commercial) elif (deviceString[0:2].lower() == "ep"): self._DecodeAltera(deviceString) # ep - Altera devices elif (deviceString[0:3].lower() == "ice"): self._DecodeLatticeICE(deviceString) # ice - Lattice iCE series elif (deviceString[0:3].lower() == "lcm"): self._DecodeLatticeLCM(deviceString) # lcm - Lattice MachXO series elif (deviceString[0:3].lower() == "lfe"): self._DecodeLatticeLFE(deviceString) # lfe - Lattice ECP series else: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown manufacturer code in device string '{0}'".format(deviceString))
[docs] def _DecodeGeneric(self): self.__vendor = Vendors.Generic self.__family = GenericFamilies.Generic self.__device = GenericDevices.Generic self.__subtype = GenericSubTypes.Generic self.__package = Packages.Generic
[docs] def _DecodeAltera(self, deviceString): self.__vendor = Vendors.Altera deviceRegExpStr = r"(?P<gen>\d{1,2})" # generation deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<fam>[acms])" # family deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<st>(ls|e|g|x|t|gs|gx|gt|gz|sx|st)?)" # subtype deviceRegExp = re_compile(deviceRegExpStr) deviceRegExpMatch = deviceRegExp.match(deviceString[2:].lower()) if (deviceRegExpMatch is not None): self.__generation = int('gen')) family ='fam') for fam in AlteraFamilies: if fam.Token == family: self.__family = fam break else: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown Altera device family.") subtype ='st') if (subtype != ""): d = {"g": "gx", "x": "sx", "t": "gt"} # re-name for Stratix 10 and Arria 10 if subtype in d: subtype = d[subtype] try: self.__subtype = AlteraSubTypes[subtype.upper()] except KeyError as ex: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown subtype '{0}'.".format(subtype)) from ex else: self.__subtype = AlteraSubTypes.NoSubType else: raise ConfigurationException("RegExp mismatch.")
[docs] def _DecodeLatticeICE(self, deviceString): # pylint:disable=unused-argument self.__vendor = Vendors.Lattice
[docs] def _DecodeLatticeLCM(self, deviceString): # pylint:disable=unused-argument self.__vendor = Vendors.Lattice
[docs] def _DecodeLatticeLFE(self, deviceString): self.__vendor = Vendors.Lattice self.__family = LatticeFamilies.ECP self.__generation = int(deviceString[3:4]) if (self.__generation == 3): self._DecodeLatticeECP3(deviceString) elif (self.__generation == 5): self._DecodeLatticeECP5(deviceString) else: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown Lattice ECP generation.")
[docs] def _DecodeLatticeECP3(self, deviceString): self.__device = LatticeDevices.ECP3 self.__subtype = LatticeSubTypes.NoSubType self.__number = int(deviceString[5:8])
[docs] def _DecodeLatticeECP5(self, deviceString): self.__device = LatticeDevices.ECP5 familyToken = deviceString[4:6].lower() if (familyToken == "u-"): self.__subtype = LatticeSubTypes.U self.__number = int(deviceString[6:8]) self.__speedGrade = int(deviceString[10:11]) self.__package = Packages.CABGA self.__pinCount = 381 # TODO: implement other packages and pin counts elif (familyToken == "um"): self.__subtype = LatticeSubTypes.UM self.__number = int(deviceString[7:9]) self.__speedGrade = int(deviceString[11:12]) self.__package = Packages.CABGA self.__pinCount = 381 # TODO: implement other packages and pin counts else: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown Lattice ECP5 subtype.")
[docs] def _DecodeXilinx(self, deviceString): self.__vendor = Vendors.Xilinx self.__generation = int(deviceString[2:3]) familyToken = deviceString[3:4].lower() for fam in XilinxFamilies: if fam.Token == familyToken: self.__family = fam break else: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown Xilinx device family.") deviceRegExpStr = r"(?P<st1>[a-z]{0,2})" # device subtype - part 1 deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<no>\d{1,4})" # device number deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<st2>[aent]{0,2})" # device subtype - part 2 deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<sg>[-1-5]{2})" # speed grade deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<pack>[a-z]{1,3})" # package deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<pins>\d{1,4})" # pin count deviceRegExp = re_compile(deviceRegExpStr) deviceRegExpMatch = deviceRegExp.match(deviceString[4:].lower()) if (deviceRegExpMatch is not None): subtype ='st1') +'st2') package ='pack') if (subtype != ""): try: self.__subtype = XilinxSubTypes[subtype.upper()] except KeyError as ex: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown subtype '{0}'.".format(subtype)) from ex else: self.__subtype = XilinxSubTypes.NoSubType self.__number = int('no')) self.__speedGrade = int('sg')) try: self.__package = Packages[package.upper()] except KeyError as ex: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown package '{0}'.".format(package)) from ex self.__pinCount = int('pins')) else: raise ConfigurationException("RegExp mismatch.")
@property def Vendor(self): return self.__vendor @property def Family(self): return self.__family @property def Device(self): return self.__device @property def Generation(self): return self.__generation @property def Number(self): return self.__number @property def SpeedGrade(self): return self.__speedGrade @property def PinCount(self): return self.__pinCount @property def Package(self): return self.__package @property def Name(self): return self.FullName.upper() # @CachedReadOnlyProperty @property def ShortName(self): if (self.__vendor is Vendors.Generic): return "GENERIC" elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Xilinx): subtype = self.__subtype.Groups if (self.__family is XilinxFamilies.Zynq): number_format = "{num:03d}" else: number_format = "{num}" return ("XC{gen}{fam}{st0}{num}{st1}".format( gen=self.__generation, fam=self.__family.Token, st0=subtype[0], num=number_format.format(num=self.__number), st1=subtype[1] )).upper() elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Altera): if self.__generation == 5: return self.__deviceString[2:] return self.__deviceString elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Lattice): return "{0!s}{1!s}{2!s}-{3!s}F".format(self.__family.value, self.__generation, self.__subtype, self.__number) else: raise NotImplementedError("Device.ShortName() not implemented for vendor {0!s}".format(self.__vendor)) # @CachedReadOnlyProperty @property def FullName(self): if (self.__vendor is Vendors.Generic): return "GENERIC" elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Xilinx): subtype = self.__subtype.Groups if (self.__family is XilinxFamilies.Zynq): number_format = "{num:03d}" else: number_format = "{num}" return ("XC{gen}{fam}{st0}{num}{st1}{sg}{pack}{pin}".format( gen=self.__generation, fam=self.__family.Token, st0=subtype[0], num=number_format.format(num=self.__number), st1=subtype[1], sg=self.__speedGrade, pack=str(self.__package), pin=self.__pinCount )).upper() elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Altera): return self.__deviceString elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Lattice): return self.__deviceString else: raise NotImplementedError("Device.FullName() not implemented for vendor {0!s}".format(self.__vendor)) # @CachedReadOnlyProperty @property def FullName2(self): if (self.__vendor is Vendors.Generic): return "GENERIC" elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Xilinx): subtype = self.__subtype.Groups if (self.__family is XilinxFamilies.Zynq): number_format = "{num:03d}" else: number_format = "{num}" return ("XC{gen}{fam}{st0}{num}{st1}{pack}{pin}{sg}".format( gen=self.__generation, fam=self.__family.Token, st0=subtype[0], num=number_format.format(num=self.__number), st1=subtype[1], pack=str(self.__package), pin=self.__pinCount, sg=self.__speedGrade )).upper() elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Altera): return self.__deviceString elif (self.__vendor is Vendors.Lattice): return self.__deviceString else: raise NotImplementedError("Device.FullName() not implemented for vendor {0!s}".format(self.__vendor)) # @CachedReadOnlyProperty @property def FamilyName(self): if (self.__family is XilinxFamilies.Zynq): return str(self.__family) else: return str(self.__family) + str(self.__generation) # @CachedReadOnlyProperty @property def Series(self): if self.__vendor is Vendors.Generic: return "GENERIC" elif self.__vendor is Vendors.Altera: d = {1: "", 2: " II", 3: " III", 4: " IV", 5: " V", 10: " 10"} return "{0!s}{1}".format(self.__family, d[self.__generation]) elif self.__vendor is Vendors.Xilinx: if (self.__generation == 7): return "Series-7" else: return "{0!s}-{1}".format(self.__family, self.__generation) elif self.__vendor is Vendors.Lattice: return "{0!s}{1!s}".format(self.__device, self.__subtype)
[docs] def GetVariables(self): result = { "DeviceShortName": self.ShortName, "DeviceFullName": self.FullName, "DeviceVendor": str(self.Vendor), "DeviceFamily": str(self.Family), "DeviceGeneration": self.Generation, "DeviceSeries": self.Series, "DeviceNumber": self.Number, "DeviceSpeedGrade": self.SpeedGrade, "DevicePackage": self.Package, "DevicePinCount": self.PinCount } return result
def __str__(self): return self.FullName
[docs]class Board: def __init__(self, host, boardName=None, device=None): # Board members if (boardName is None): boardName = "GENERIC" elif (boardName == ""): raise ValueError("Parameter 'board' is empty.") elif (not isinstance(boardName, str)): raise ValueError("Parameter 'board' is not of type str.") boardName = boardName.lower() if (boardName == "custom"): if (device is None): raise ValueError("Parameter 'device' is None.") elif isinstance(device, Device): self.__device = device else: self.__device = Device(device) else: boardSectionName = None for board in host.PoCConfig['BOARDS']: if (board.lower() == boardName): boardSectionName = host.PoCConfig['BOARDS'][board] # real board name boardName = boardSectionName.split('.')[1] break else: raise ConfigurationException("Unknown board '{0}'".format(boardName)) deviceName = host.PoCConfig[boardSectionName]['FPGA'] self.__device = Device(deviceName) self.__boardName = boardName @property def Name(self): return self.__boardName @property def Device(self): return self.__device
[docs] def GetVariables(self): result = { "BoardName" : self.__boardName } return result
def __str__(self): return self.__boardName def __repr__(self): return str(self).lower()