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# ==============================================================================
# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
# Python Module: TODO
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
# Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
from lib.Parser import ParserException
from Parser.RulesCodeDOM import Document, PreProcessRulesStatement, PostProcessRulesStatement, CopyStatement, ReplaceStatement, FileStatement, DeleteStatement, AppendLineStatement
__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__
[docs]class Rule:
"""Base class for all Rule and RuleMixIn classes."""
[docs]class CopyRuleMixIn(Rule):
"""A partial class (MixIn) to represent a 'copy rule'."""
def __init__(self, sourcePath, destinationPath):
self._source = sourcePath
self._destination = destinationPath
def SourcePath(self): return self._source
def DestinationPath(self): return self._destination
def __str__(self):
return "Copy rule: {0!s} => {1!s}".format(self._source, self._destination)
[docs]class DeleteRuleMixIn(Rule):
"""A partial class (MixIn) to represent a 'delete rule'."""
def __init__(self, filePath):
self._source = filePath
def FilePath(self): return self._source
def __str__(self):
return "Delete rule: {0!s}".format(self._source)
[docs]class ReplaceRuleMixIn(Rule):
"""A partial class (MixIn) to represent a 'replace rule'."""
def __init__(self, filePath, searchPattern, replacePattern, multiLine, dotAll, caseInSensitive):
self._filePath = filePath
self._searchPattern = searchPattern
self._replacePattern = replacePattern
self._multiLine = multiLine
self._dotAll = dotAll
self._caseInsensitive = caseInSensitive
def FilePath(self): return self._filePath
def SearchPattern(self): return self._searchPattern
def ReplacePattern(self): return self._replacePattern
def RegExpOption_MultiLine(self): return self._multiLine
def RegExpOption_DotAll(self): return self._dotAll
def RegExpOption_CaseInsensitive(self): return self._caseInsensitive
def __str__(self):
return "Replace rule: in '{0!s}' replace '{1}' with '{2}'".format(self._filePath, self._searchPattern, self._replacePattern)
[docs]class AppendLineRuleMixIn(Rule):
"""A partial class (MixIn) to represent a 'append line rule'."""
def __init__(self, filePath, appendPattern):
self._filePath = filePath
self._appendPattern = appendPattern
def FilePath(self): return self._filePath
def AppendPattern(self): return self._appendPattern
def __str__(self):
return "AppendLine rule: in '{0!s}' append '{1}'".format(self._filePath, self._appendPattern)
[docs]class RulesParserMixIn:
_classCopyRule = CopyRuleMixIn
_classDeleteRule = DeleteRuleMixIn
_classReplaceRule = ReplaceRuleMixIn
_classAppendLineRule = AppendLineRuleMixIn
def __init__(self):
self._rootDirectory = None
self._document = None
self._preProcessRules = []
self._postProcessRules = []
[docs] def _Parse(self):
self._ReadContent() #only available via late binding
self._document = Document.Parse(self._content, printChar=not True) #self._content only available via late binding
# print("{DARK_GRAY}{0!s}{NOCOLOR}".format(self._document, **Init.Foreground))
[docs] def _Resolve(self):
# print("Resolving {0}".format(str(self._file)))
for stmt in self._document.Statements:
if isinstance(stmt, PreProcessRulesStatement):
for ruleStatement in stmt.Statements:
self._ResolveRule(ruleStatement, self._preProcessRules)
elif isinstance(stmt, PostProcessRulesStatement):
for ruleStatement in stmt.Statements:
self._ResolveRule(ruleStatement, self._postProcessRules)
ParserException("Found unknown statement type '{0}'.".format(stmt.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def _ResolveRule(self, ruleStatement, lst):
if isinstance(ruleStatement, CopyStatement):
sourceFile = ruleStatement.SourcePath
destinationFile = ruleStatement.DestinationPath
rule = self._classCopyRule(sourceFile, destinationFile)
elif isinstance(ruleStatement, DeleteStatement):
file = ruleStatement.FilePath
rule = self._classDeleteRule(file)
elif isinstance(ruleStatement, FileStatement):
# FIXME: Currently, all replace and append rules are stored in individual rule instances.
# FIXME: This prevents the system from creating a single task of multiple sub-rules -> just one open/close would be required
filePath = ruleStatement.FilePath
for nestedStatement in ruleStatement.Statements:
if isinstance(nestedStatement, ReplaceStatement):
rule = self._classReplaceRule(filePath, nestedStatement.SearchPattern, nestedStatement.ReplacePattern, nestedStatement.MultiLine, nestedStatement.DotAll, nestedStatement.CaseInsensitive)
elif isinstance(nestedStatement, AppendLineStatement):
rule = self._classAppendLineRule(filePath, nestedStatement.AppendPattern)
ParserException("Found unknown statement type '{0}'.".format(nestedStatement.__class__.__name__))
ParserException("Found unknown statement type '{0}'.".format(ruleStatement.__class__.__name__))
def PreProcessRules(self): return self._preProcessRules
def PostProcessRules(self): return self._postProcessRules
def __str__(self): return "RULES file: '{0!s}'".format(self._file) #self._file only available via late binding
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()