Source code for ToolChain

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
# Python package:   Contains PoC's configuration mechanism.
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from collections        import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from enum               import unique, Enum
from pathlib            import Path

from lib.Functions      import Init, CallByRefBoolParam
from Base               import ILogable, IHost
from Base.Exceptions    import ExceptionBase
from Base.Executable    import Executable, Environment
from Base.Logging       import Severity

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class ToolChainException(ExceptionBase): """Base class for all tool specific exceptions"""
[docs]class ConfigurationException(ExceptionBase): """``ConfigurationException`` is raise while running configuration or database tasks in PoC """
[docs]class SkipConfigurationException(ExceptionBase): """``SkipConfigurationException`` is a :py:exc:`ConfigurationException`, which can be skipped. """
[docs]class ConfigurationState(Enum): """Describes the configuration state of a tool or vendor.""" Unconfigured = 0 Configured = 1 def __bool__(self): return self is self.Configured
[docs]class ChangeState(Enum): """Describes if a configuration was changed.""" Unchanged = 0 Changed = 1 def __bool__(self): return self is self.Changed
[docs]class ToolMixIn: def __init__(self, platform, dryrun, binaryDirectoryPath, version, logger=None): self._platform = platform self._dryrun = dryrun self._binaryDirectoryPath = binaryDirectoryPath self._version = version self._logger = logger self._environment = Environment()
[docs]class AskMixIn:
[docs] def _Ask(self, question, default, beforeDefault="", afterDefault="", indent=1): question += " [{beforeDefault!s}{CYAN}{default!s}{NOCOLOR}{afterDefault!s}]: " self.LogNormal(question.format(beforeDefault=beforeDefault, default=default, afterDefault=afterDefault, **Init.Foreground), indent=indent, appendLinebreak=False) print(Init.Foreground["GREEN"], end="") answer = input() print(Init.Foreground["NOCOLOR"], end="") if (answer == ""): answer = default question = "\x1B[1A" + question + "{GREEN}{default!s}{NOCOLOR}" # cursor 1 up self.LogNormal(question.format(beforeDefault=beforeDefault, default=default, afterDefault=afterDefault, **Init.Foreground), indent=indent) return answer
[docs] def _Ask_YesNoPass(self, question, indent=1): """Ask a YES/no/pass question.""" while True: isInstalled = self._Ask(question, default="Y", afterDefault="/n/p", indent=indent) if (isInstalled in ['p', 'P']): raise SkipConfigurationException() elif (isInstalled in ['n', 'N']): return False elif (isInstalled in ['y', 'Y']): return True else: self.LogNormal("Unsupported choice '{0}'".format(isInstalled), indent=indent)
[docs] def _AskYes_NoPass(self, question, indent=1): """Ask a yes/NO/pass question.""" while True: isInstalled = self._Ask(question, default="N", beforeDefault="y/", afterDefault="/p", indent=indent) if (isInstalled in ['p', 'P']): raise SkipConfigurationException() elif (isInstalled in ['n', 'N']): return False elif (isInstalled in ['y', 'Y']): return True else: self.LogNormal("Unsupported choice '{0}'".format(isInstalled), indent=indent)
[docs] def _PrintAvailableEditions(self, editions, selectedEdition): """Print all available editions and return the selected index.""" if (not isinstance(editions, (list, tuple))): editions = list(editions) selectedIndex = 0 for i, item in enumerate(editions): if (item is selectedEdition): self.LogNormal("{DARK_CYAN}{0}: {1!s}{NOCOLOR}".format(i, item.Name, **Init.Foreground), indent=2) selectedIndex = i else: self.LogNormal("{0}: {1!s}".format(i, item.Name), indent=2) return selectedIndex
[docs]class Configuration(ILogable, AskMixIn): #(ISubClassRegistration): """Base class for all Configuration classes.""" _vendor = "Unknown" #: The name of the tools vendor. _section = "INSTALL.Name" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Tool``. _multiVersionSupport = False #: True if a tool supports multiple versions installed on the same system. _template = { "ALL": { _section: {} }, "Darwin": { _section: {} }, "Linux": { _section: {} }, "Windows": { _section: {} } } #: The template for the configuration sections represented as nested dictionaries. def __init__(self, host : IHost): """Class initializer.""" self._host = host self._state = self.IsConfigured() self._changed = ChangeState.Unchanged ILogable.__init__(self, host.Logger if isinstance(host, ILogable) else None) @property def Host(self): """Return the hosting object.""" return self._host @property def State(self): """Return the configuration state.""" return self._state @property def SectionName(self): """Return the configuration's section name.""" return self._section
[docs] def IsSupportedPlatform(self): """Return true if the given platform is supported by this configuration routine.""" return ('ALL' in self._template) or (self._host.Platform in self._template)
[docs] def IsConfigured(self): """Return true if the configurations section is configured""" if self._host.PoCConfig.has_section(self._section): optionCount = len(self._host.PoCConfig.options(self._section)) if (optionCount > 0): return ConfigurationState.Configured return ConfigurationState.Unconfigured
[docs] def CheckDependency(self): """Check if all vendor or tool dependencies are fulfilled to configure this tool.""" return True
[docs] def GetSections(cls, platform): """Return all section names for this configuration.""" if ("ALL" in cls._template): for sectionName in cls._template['ALL']: yield sectionName if (platform in cls._template): for sectionName in cls._template[platform]: yield sectionName
[docs] def PrepareSections(self, warningWasWritten, writeWarnings=True): pocConfig = self._host.PoCConfig for platform in ["ALL", self._host.Platform]: if (platform in self._template): for sectionName, section in self._template[platform].items(): if (not pocConfig.has_section(sectionName)): self.LogWarning("WARNING: Adding new sections to configuration...", condition=(writeWarnings and not warningWasWritten)) warningWasWritten |= True self.LogVerbose("Adding [{0}]".format(sectionName), condition=writeWarnings) pocConfig[sectionName] = OrderedDict()
[docs] def ClearSection(self, writeWarnings=False): """Clear the configuration section associated to this Configuration class.""" self.LogWarning("WARNING: Clearing section '{0}'...".format(self._section), condition=writeWarnings, indent=1) self._host.PoCConfig[self._section] = OrderedDict() if self._multiVersionSupport: warningWasWritten = False sectionNames = [sectionName for sectionName in self._host.PoCConfig if ((len(sectionName) > len(self._section)) and sectionName.startswith(self._section))] for sectionName in sectionNames: self.LogWarning("WARNING: Removing versioned sections...", condition=(writeWarnings and not warningWasWritten), indent=1) self.LogWarning(sectionName, condition=writeWarnings, indent=2) self._host.PoCConfig.remove_section(sectionName)
[docs] def PrepareOptions(self, writeWarnings=True): pocConfig = self._host.PoCConfig for platform in ["ALL", self._host.Platform]: if (platform in self._template): for sectionName, section in self._template[platform].items(): warningWasWritten = False pocSection = pocConfig[sectionName] for optionName, optionValue in section.items(): if (not pocConfig.has_option(sectionName, optionName)): self.LogWarning("Adding new options to section '{0}'...".format(sectionName), condition=(writeWarnings and not warningWasWritten), indent=2) warningWasWritten |= True if (self._multiVersionSupport and isinstance(optionValue, tuple)): value = optionValue[0] if (value is not None): self.LogWarning("Adding {0} = {1}".format(optionName, value), condition=writeWarnings, indent=3) pocSection[optionName] = value else: self.LogWarning("Adding {0} = {1}".format(optionName, optionValue), condition=writeWarnings, indent=3) pocSection[optionName] = optionValue
[docs] def ConfigureForDarwin(self): """Start the configuration procedure for Darwin. This method is a wrapper for :py:meth:`ConfigureForAll`. Overwrite this method to implement a Darwin specific configuration routine. """ self.ConfigureForAll()
[docs] def ConfigureForLinux(self): """Start the configuration procedure for Linux. This method is a wrapper for :py:meth:`ConfigureForAll`. Overwrite this method to implement a Linux specific configuration routine. """ self.ConfigureForAll()
[docs] def ConfigureForWindows(self): """Start the configuration procedure for Windows. This method is a wrapper for :py:meth:`ConfigureForAll`. Overwrite this method to implement a Windows specific configuration routine. """ self.ConfigureForAll()
[docs] def ConfigureForAll(self): """Start a generic (platform independent) configuration procedure. Overwrite this method to implement a generic configuration routine for a (tool) Configuration class. """ raise NotImplementedError("Either ``ConfigureForAll()`` or one of the platform specific ``ConfigureFor***()`` methods must be overwritten.")
def __str__(self): """Return the vendor name.""" return self._vendor
[docs] def _AskInstalled(self, question): """Ask a Yes/No/Pass question.""" return self._Ask_YesNoPass(question)
[docs] def _ConfigureInstallationDirectory(self): """ Asks for installation directory and updates section. Checks if entered directory exists and returns Path object. If no installation directory was configured before, then _GetDefaultInstallationDir is called. """ # if self._host.PoCConfig.has_option(self._section, 'InstallationDirectory'): defaultPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['InstallationDirectory']) # else: # unresolved = self._GetDefaultInstallationDirectory() # may return an unresolved configuration string # self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['InstallationDirectory'] = unresolved # create entry # defaultPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['InstallationDirectory']) # resolve entry question = "{0!s} installation directory".format(self) installPath = self._Ask(question, default=defaultPath) if isinstance(installPath, str): installPath = Path(installPath) if (not installPath.exists()): raise ConfigurationException("{0!s} installation directory '{1!s}' does not exist.".format(self, installPath)) \ from NotADirectoryError(str(installPath)) if installPath != defaultPath: # update only if user entered something if self._multiVersionSupport: sectionName = self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['SectionName'] else: sectionName = self._section self._host.PoCConfig[sectionName]['InstallationDirectory'] = installPath.as_posix() self._host.PoCConfig.Interpolation.clear_cache() return installPath
[docs] def _GetDefaultInstallationDirectory(self): """Return unresolved default installation directory (str) from template. Overwrite function in sub-class for automatic search of installation directory. """ return self._GetDefaultOptionValue('InstallationDirectory')
[docs] def _GetDefaultOptionValue(self, optionName): for platform in ["ALL", self._host.Platform]: if (platform in self._template): platformDict = self._template[platform] if (self._section in platformDict): sectionDict = platformDict[self._section] if (optionName in sectionDict): optionValue = sectionDict[optionName] if self._multiVersionSupport: return optionValue[1] else: return optionValue
[docs] def _TestDefaultInstallPath(self, defaults): """Helper function for automatic search of installation directory.""" if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"): for drive in "CDEFGH": defaultPathNames = defaults["Windows"] if (not isinstance(defaultPathNames, (list, tuple))): defaultPathNames = (defaultPathNames) for pathName in defaultPathNames: defaultInstallPath = Path("{0}:/{1}".format(drive, pathName)) try: if (defaultInstallPath.exists()): return defaultInstallPath except OSError: pass else: defaultPathNames = defaults[self._host.Platform] if (not isinstance(defaultPathNames, (list, tuple))): defaultPathNames = (defaultPathNames) for pathName in defaultPathNames: defaultInstallPath = Path("/opt") / pathName print("testing: {0!s}".format(defaultInstallPath)) try: if (defaultInstallPath.exists()): return defaultInstallPath except OSError: pass defaultInstallPath = Path("/opt") / pathName.lower() print("testing: {0!s}".format(defaultInstallPath)) try: if (defaultInstallPath.exists()): return defaultInstallPath except OSError: pass return None
[docs] def RunPostConfigurationTasks(self): """Virtual method. Overwrite to execute post-configuration tasks.""" pass
[docs]class VendorConfiguration(Configuration): """Base class for all vendor Configuration classes.""" _section = "INSTALL.Vendor.Tool" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Vendor``. _template = { "Darwin": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "/opt/Vendor", } }, "Linux": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "/opt/Vendor", } }, "Windows": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "C:/Vendor", } } } #: The template for the configuration section represented as nested dictionaries. # Method aliases IsConfigured = Configuration.IsConfigured """Return true if the vendor represented by this Configuration class is configured in PoC. Inherited method :py:meth:`~Configuration.IsConfigured` from class :py:class:`Configuration`. """
[docs] def ConfigureForAll(self): """Start a generic (platform independent) vendor configuration procedure. This method configures a vendor path. Overwrite this method to implement a vendor specific configuration routine for a vendor Configuration class. """ try: if (not self._AskInstalled("Are {0} products installed on your system?".format(self._vendor))): self.ClearSection() else: self._ConfigureInstallationDirectory() except SkipConfigurationException: if (self._state is not ConfigurationState.Configured): self.ClearSection() raise
[docs]class ToolConfiguration(Configuration): """Base class for all tool Configuration classes.""" _section = "INSTALL.Vendor.Tool" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Vendor.ToolName``. _toolName = "Tool" #: The name of the tool. _template = { "ALL": { _section: { "Version": "1.0", } }, "Darwin": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "${INSTALL.Vendor:InstallationDirectory}/${Version}/Tool", "BinaryDirectory": "${InstallationDirectory}/bin" } }, "Linux": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "${INSTALL.Vendor:InstallationDirectory}/${Version}/Tool", "BinaryDirectory": "${InstallationDirectory}/bin" } }, "Windows": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "${INSTALL.Vendor:InstallationDirectory}/${Version}/Tool/", "BinaryDirectory": "${InstallationDirectory}/bin" } } } #: The template for the configuration section represented as nested dictionaries. # Method aliases IsConfigured = Configuration.IsConfigured """Return true if the tool represented by this Configuration class is configured in PoC. Inherited method :py:meth:`~Configuration.IsConfigured` from class :py:class:`Configuration`. """
[docs] def _ConfigureVersion(self): """ If no version was configured before, then _GetDefaultVersion is called. Asks for version and updates section. Returns version as string. """ # if self._host.PoCConfig.has_option(self._section, 'Version'): defaultVersion = self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] # else: # unresolved = self._GetDefaultVersion() # may return an unresolved configuration string # self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = unresolved # create entry # defaultVersion = self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] # resolve entry question = "{0!s} version".format(defaultVersion) version = self._Ask(question, default=defaultVersion, indent=1) if (version != defaultVersion): # update only if user entered something self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = version self._host.PoCConfig.Interpolation.clear_cache() return version
[docs] def _GetDefaultVersion(self): """Returns unresolved default version (str) from template. Overwrite this method in a sub-class for automatic search of version. """ return self._template[self._host.Platform][self._section]['Version']
[docs] def _ConfigureEdition(self, editions, defaultEdition): self._host.LogNormal(" Which {0} edition is installed on the system?".format(self._toolName)) defaultIndex = self._PrintAvailableEditions(editions, defaultEdition) question = "Installed edition [{CYAN}{0}{NOCOLOR}]: " while True: self._host.LogNormal(question.format(defaultIndex, **Init.Foreground), indent=1, appendLinebreak=False) print(Init.Foreground["GREEN"], end="") selectedIndex = input() print(Init.Foreground["NOCOLOR"], end="") if (selectedIndex != ""): # FIXME: Can I use editions.Parse()? selectedIndex = int(selectedIndex) for i, item in enumerate(editions.__members__.values()): if (i == selectedIndex): edition = item break else: self._host.LogError("Invalid choice.") continue # the outer while loop else: edition = defaultEdition # reprint the colored lines on console print("\x1B[{n}A".format(n=len(editions) + 2)) # cursor n+2 up self._PrintAvailableEditions(editions, edition) question += "{GREEN}{0}" self._host.LogNormal(question.format(defaultIndex, **Init.Foreground), indent=1) break return edition
[docs] def _GetDefaultEdition(self): """Returns unresolved default edition (str) from template. Overwrite this method in a sub-class for automatic search of editions. """ return self._template[self._host.Platform][self._section]['Edition']
[docs] def _ConfigureBinaryDirectory(self): """Updates section with value from :attr:`_template` and returns directory as :class:`Path <pathlib.Path>` object. """ # unresolved = self._template[self._host.Platform][self._section]['BinaryDirectory'] # self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['BinaryDirectory'] = unresolved # create entry defaultPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['BinaryDirectory']) # resolve entry binPath = defaultPath # may be more complex in the future if (not binPath.exists()): raise ConfigurationException("{0!s} binary directory '{1!s}' does not exist.".format(self, binPath)) \ from NotADirectoryError(str(binPath)) return binPath
[docs] def PrepareVersionedSections(self, writeWarnings=False): warningWasWritten = False pocConfig = self._host.PoCConfig for platform in ["ALL", self._host.Platform]: if ((platform not in self._template) or (self._section not in self._template[platform])): continue sectionName = self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['SectionName'] if (not pocConfig.has_section(sectionName)): self.LogWarning("WARNING: Adding new sections to configuration...", condition=(writeWarnings and not warningWasWritten), indent=2) warningWasWritten |= True self.LogWarning("Adding [{0}]".format(sectionName), condition=writeWarnings, indent=2) pocConfig[sectionName] = OrderedDict() section = self._template[platform][self._section] pocSection = pocConfig[sectionName] for optionName, optionValue in section.items(): if (not pocConfig.has_option(sectionName, optionName)): self.LogWarning("Adding new options to section '{0}'...".format(sectionName), condition=(writeWarnings and not warningWasWritten), indent=2) warningWasWritten |= True if (self._multiVersionSupport and isinstance(optionValue, tuple)): value = optionValue[1] if (value is not None): self.LogWarning("Adding {0} = {1}".format(optionName, value), condition=writeWarnings, indent=3) pocSection[optionName] = value else: self.LogWarning("Adding {0} = {1}".format(optionName, optionValue), condition=writeWarnings, indent=3) pocSection[optionName] = optionValue
def __str__(self): """Return the tool name.""" return self._toolName
EditionDescription = namedtuple('EditionDescription', ['Name', 'Section'])
[docs]class Edition(Enum): def __new__(cls, *_, **__): value = len(cls.__members__) + 1 obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = value return obj def __init__(self, name, section): self.Name = name self.Section = section @classmethod def Parse(cls, value): """Resolve edition name to enum member""" for item in cls.__members__.values(): if (item.Name == value): return item raise ValueError("Unknown enum value '{0}'.".format(value)) def __repr__(self): return self.Name
[docs]class ToolSelector(ILogable, AskMixIn): """Base class for all Selector classes.""" _toolName = "" def __init__(self, host: IHost): """Class initializer.""" self._host = host ILogable.__init__(self, host.Logger if isinstance(host, ILogable) else None) @property def ToolName(self): return self._toolName
[docs] def _GetConfiguredEditions(self, editions): """Return all configured editions.""" _editions = [] for edition in editions: if (len(self._host.PoCConfig[edition.Section]) > 0): _editions.append(edition) return _editions
[docs] def _AskSelection(self, editions, defaultEdition): defaultIndex = self._PrintAvailableEditions(editions, defaultEdition) question = "Selected installation [{CYAN}{0}{NOCOLOR}]: " while True: self._host.LogNormal(question.format(defaultIndex, **Init.Foreground), indent=1, appendLinebreak=False) print(Init.Foreground["GREEN"], end="") selectedIndex = input() print(Init.Foreground["NOCOLOR"], end="") if (selectedIndex != ""): # FIXME: Can I use editions.Parse()? selectedIndex = int(selectedIndex) for i, item in enumerate(editions): if (i == selectedIndex): edition = item break else: self._host.LogError("Invalid choice.") continue # the outer while loop else: edition = defaultEdition # reprint the colored lines on console print("\x1B[{n}A".format(n=len(editions) + 2)) # cursor n+2 up self._PrintAvailableEditions(editions, edition) question += "{GREEN}{0}" self._host.LogNormal(question.format(defaultIndex, **Init.Foreground), indent=1) break return edition
[docs]class Configurator(ILogable, AskMixIn): """A instance of this class controls the interactive configuration process.""" def __init__(self, host : IHost): """Class initializier.""" ILogable.__init__(self, host.Logger if isinstance(host, ILogable) else None) self._host = host self._saveConfiguration = True from .PoC import Configuration as PoC_Configuration from .Git import Configuration as Git_Configuration from .Aldec import Configuration as Aldec_Configuration from .Aldec.ActiveHDL import Configuration as ActiveHDL_Configuration from .Aldec.RivieraPRO import Configuration as RivieraPRO_Configuration from .Altera import Configuration as Altera_Configuration from .Altera.Quartus import Configuration as AlteraQuartus_Configuration from .Altera.ModelSim import Configuration as AlteraModelSim_Configuration from .Intel import Configuration as Intel_Configuration from .Intel.Quartus import Configuration as IntelQuartus_Configuration from .Intel.ModelSim import Configuration as IntelModelSim_Configuration from .GHDL import Configuration as GHDL_Configuration from .GTKWave import Configuration as GTKW_Configuration from .Lattice import Configuration as Lattice_Configuration from .Lattice.Diamond import Configuration as Diamond_Configuration from .Lattice.ActiveHDL import Configuration as LatticeActiveHDL_Configuration # from .Lattice.Symplify import Configuration as LatticeSymplify_Configuration from .Mentor import Configuration as Mentor_Configuration from .Mentor.ModelSim import ModelSimPEConfiguration, ModelSimDEConfiguration, ModelSimSE32Configuration, ModelSimSE64Configuration from .Mentor.QuestaSim import Configuration as Questa_Configuration # from .Mentor.PrecisionRTL import Configuration as PrecisionRTL_Configuration # from .Synopsys import Configuration as Synopsys_Configuration # from .Synopsys.Symplify import Configuration as Symplify_Configuration from .Xilinx import Configuration as Xilinx_Configuration from .Xilinx.ISE import Configuration as ISE_Configuration from .Xilinx.Vivado import Configuration as Vivado_Configuration #: List of all available (and thus enabled) Configuration classes. Configurations = [ PoC_Configuration, Git_Configuration, # Aldec products Aldec_Configuration, ActiveHDL_Configuration, RivieraPRO_Configuration, # Altera products Altera_Configuration, AlteraQuartus_Configuration, AlteraModelSim_Configuration, # Intel products Intel_Configuration, IntelQuartus_Configuration, IntelModelSim_Configuration, # Lattice products Lattice_Configuration, Diamond_Configuration, LatticeActiveHDL_Configuration, # Mentor products Mentor_Configuration, ModelSimPEConfiguration, ModelSimDEConfiguration, ModelSimSE32Configuration, ModelSimSE64Configuration, Questa_Configuration, # Xilinx products Xilinx_Configuration, ISE_Configuration, Vivado_Configuration, # other products GHDL_Configuration, GTKW_Configuration ] from .Aldec.ActiveHDL import Selector as ActiveHDL_Selector from .Altera.Quartus import Selector as Quartus_Selector from .Mentor.ModelSim import Selector as ModelSim_Selector #: List of all available (and thus enabled) Selector classes. Selectors = [ ActiveHDL_Selector, ModelSim_Selector, Quartus_Selector ] self._configurators = [configuration(self._host) for configuration in Configurations] self._selectors = [selector(self._host) for selector in Selectors]
[docs] def ConfigureAll(self): """Select all tool chains for configuration""" self._WriteConfigurationHeader() self._ConfigureTools(self._configurators) # Write and re-read configuration if self._saveConfiguration: self._host.SaveAndReloadPoCConfiguration()
[docs] def ConfigureTool(self, toolChain): """Select tool chains for configuration.""" sectionName = ("INSTALL.{0}".format(toolChain)).lower() configurators = [config for config in self._configurators if (config.SectionName.lower().startswith(sectionName))] if (len(configurators) == 0): self.LogError("{RED}No configuration named '{0}' found.{NOCOLOR}".format(toolChain, **Init.Foreground)) return self._WriteConfigurationHeader() self._ConfigureTools(configurators) # Write and re-read configuration if self._saveConfiguration: self._host.SaveAndReloadPoCConfiguration()
[docs] def InitializeConfiguration(self): """Initialize PoC's configuration with empty sections. The list of sections is gathered from all enabled configurators' :py:data:`_template` fields. """ warningWasWritten = CallByRefBoolParam(False) for configurator in self._configurators: configurator.PrepareSections(warningWasWritten, writeWarnings=False)
[docs] def UpdateConfiguration(self): """Update an existing configuration e.g. after a PoC update.""" warningWasWritten = CallByRefBoolParam(False) for configurator in self._configurators: configurator.PrepareSections(warningWasWritten) configured = configurator.IsConfigured() if configured: configurator.PrepareOptions()
# pocSections = set([sectionName for sectionName in self._host.PoCConfig]) # configSections = set([sectionName for config in Configurations for sectionName in config.GetSections(self._host.Platform)]) # FIXME: what about the ALL platform? # delSections = pocSections.difference(configSections) # if delSections: # for sectionName in delSections: # self._host.PoCConfig.remove_section(sectionName)
[docs] def _ConfigureTools(self, configurators): """Run the configuration routines for a list of configurators""" self.LogNormal("{CYAN}Configuring installed tools\n---------------------------{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground)) # Configure each vendor or tool of a tool chain for configurator in configurators: # Skip configuration with unsupported platforms if (not configurator.IsSupportedPlatform()): configurator.ClearSection() continue # Skip configuration if dependency is not fulfilled if (not configurator.CheckDependency()): configurator.ClearSection() continue # Start configuration self.LogNormal("{DARK_CYAN}Configuring {0!s}{NOCOLOR}".format(configurator, **Init.Foreground)) # Start configuration loop for the current configurator try: self._ConfigurationLoop(configurator) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._saveConfiguration = False self.LogNormal("\n\n{RED}Abort configuration.\nNo files have been created or changed.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground)) return # TODO: move to host instance # Print the currently collected configuration if in debug mode if (self.Logger.LogLevel is Severity.Debug): self.LogDebug("-" * 40, indent=1) for sectionName in self._host.PoCConfig.sections(): if (not sectionName.startswith("INSTALL")): continue self.LogDebug("[{0}]".format(sectionName), indent=1) configSection = self._host.PoCConfig[sectionName] for optionName in configSection: optionRaw = self._host.PoCConfig.get(sectionName, optionName, raw=True) try: optionValue = configSection[optionName] except Exception: optionValue = "-- ERROR --" self.LogDebug("{0: <23} {1: <90} {2}".format(optionName + " =", optionRaw, optionValue), indent=2) self.LogDebug("-" * 40, indent=1) # TODO: MultiVersion installations? self.LogNormal("") if self._AskConfigureDefaultTools(): self._ConfigureDefaultTools() else: self.LogWarning("You can rerun this configuration step with '.\poc.ps1 configure --set-default-tools'.", indent=1) # Write and re-read configuration self._host.SaveAndReloadPoCConfiguration() # Run post-configuration tasks self.LogNormal("{DARK_CYAN}Running post configuration tasks{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground)) for configurator in configurators: configurator.RunPostConfigurationTasks()
[docs] def _ConfigurationLoop(self, configurator): """Retry to configure a vendor or tool until it succeeds or the user presses :kbd:`P` to pass a configuration step. A :py:exec:`KeyboardInterrupt` should be handled in a calling method. """ while True: # Copy all options for a configurator's sections from _template into PoCConfig configurator.PrepareOptions(writeWarnings=False) try: if (self._host.Platform == "Darwin"): configurator.ConfigureForDarwin() elif (self._host.Platform == "Linux"): configurator.ConfigureForLinux() elif (self._host.Platform == "Windows"): configurator.ConfigureForWindows() break except SkipConfigurationException: break except ExceptionBase as ex: print(" {RED}FAULT: {0}{NOCOLOR}".format(ex.message, **Init.Foreground))# Print the currently collected configuration if in debug mode
[docs] def ConfigureDefaultTools(self): self._WriteConfigurationHeader() self._ConfigureDefaultTools() # Write and re-read configuration if self._saveConfiguration: self._host.SaveAndReloadPoCConfiguration()
[docs] def _ConfigureDefaultTools(self): self.LogNormal("{CYAN}Choosing default tools\n----------------------{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground)) for selector in self._selectors: self._host.LogNormal("{DARK_CYAN}Selecting {0} installation{NOCOLOR}".format(selector.ToolName, **Init.Foreground)) try: selector.Select() except KeyboardInterrupt: self._saveConfiguration = False self.LogNormal("\n\n{RED}Abort configuration.\nNo files have been created or changed.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground)) return
[docs] def _WriteConfigurationHeader(self): """Write a header containing general information about the configuration and list allowed input values for yes/no/pass questions. """ # self.LogVerbose("starting manual configuration...") self.LogNormal("Explanation of abbreviations:") self.LogNormal(" {YELLOW}Y{NOCOLOR} - yes {YELLOW}P{NOCOLOR} - pass (jump to next question)".format(**Init.Foreground)) self.LogNormal(" {YELLOW}N{NOCOLOR} - no {YELLOW}Ctrl + C{NOCOLOR} - abort (no changes are saved)".format(**Init.Foreground)) self.LogNormal("Upper case or value in '[...]' means default value") self.LogNormal("-" * 80) self.LogNormal("")
[docs] def _AskConfigureDefaultTools(self): """Ask if default tools should be configured now.""" while True: configureDefaultTools = self._Ask("Configure default tools?", default="Y", afterDefault="/n", indent=0) if (configureDefaultTools in ['n', 'N']): return False elif (configureDefaultTools in ['y', 'Y']): return True else: self.LogNormal("Unsupported choice '{0}'".format(configureDefaultTools))
[docs] def Relocated(self): self.LogNormal("Relocating PoC to '{0!s}'.".format(self._host.Directories.Root)) self.LogVerbose("Old location: {0!s}".format(Path(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['InstallationDirectory']))) self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['InstallationDirectory'] = self._host.Directories.Root.as_posix() # Write and re-read configuration self._host.SaveAndReloadPoCConfiguration()
class OutputFilteredExecutable(Executable): def __init__(self, platform, dryrun, executablePath, environment=None, logger=None): super().__init__(platform, dryrun, executablePath, environment=environment, logger=logger) self._hasOutput = False self._hasWarnings = False self._hasErrors = False @property def HasWarnings(self): """True if errors or fatals errors were found while processing the output stream.""" return self._hasWarnings @property def HasErrors(self): """True if errors or fatals errors were found while processing the output stream.""" return self._hasErrors