.. _IP:dstruct_deque: PoC.dstruct.deque ################# .. only:: html .. |gh-src| image:: /_static/logos/GitHub-Mark-32px.png :scale: 40 :target: https://github.com/VLSI-EDA/PoC/blob/master/src/dstruct/dstruct_deque.vhdl :alt: Source Code on GitHub .. |gh-tb| image:: /_static/logos/GitHub-Mark-32px.png :scale: 40 :target: https://github.com/VLSI-EDA/PoC/blob/master/tb/dstruct/dstruct_deque_tb.vhdl :alt: Source Code on GitHub .. sidebar:: GitHub Links * |gh-src| :pocsrc:`Sourcecode ` * |gh-tb| :poctb:`Testbench ` Implements a deque (double-ended queue). This data structure allows two acting entities to queue data elements for the consumption by the other while still being able to unqueue untaken ones in LIFO fashion. .. rubric:: Entity Declaration: .. literalinclude:: ../../../src/dstruct/dstruct_deque.vhdl :language: vhdl :tab-width: 2 :linenos: :lines: 37-62 .. only:: latex Source file: :pocsrc:`dstruct/dstruct_deque.vhdl `