New in 1.0 (13.05.2016)

  • Python Infrastructure (Completely Reworked)

    • New Requirements
      • Python 3.5
      • py-flags
    • New command line interface
      • Synopsis:|ps1 [common options] <command> <entity> [options]
      • Removed task specific wrapper scripts:|ps1,|ps1, ...
      • Updated wrapper.ps1 and files
    • New ini-file database
      • Added a new config.boards.ini file to list known boards (real and virtual ones)
    • New parser for *.files files
      • conditional compiling (if-then-elseif-else)
      • include statement - include other *.files files
      • library statement - reference external VHDL libraries
      • prepared for Cocotb testbenches
    • New parser for *.rules files
    • All Tool Flows
      • Unbuffered outputs from vendor tools (realtime output to stdout from subprocess)
      • Output filtering from vendor tools
        • verbose message suppression
        • error and warning message highlighting
        • abort flow on vendor tool errors
    • All Simulators
      • Run testbenches for different board or device configurations (see --board and --device command line options)
    • New Simulators
      • Aldec Active-HDL support (no GUI support)
        • Tested with Active-HDL from Lattice Diamond
        • Tested with Active-HDL Student Edition
      • Cocotb (with QuestaSim backend on Linux)
    • New Synthesizers
      • Altera Quartus II and Quartus Prime
        • Command: quartus
      • Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) from Diamond
        • Command: lse
      • Xilinx Vivado
        • Command: vivado
    • GHDL
      • GHDLSimulator can distinguish different backends (mcode, gcc, llvm)
      • Pre-compiled library support for GHDL
    • QuestaSim / ModelSim Altera Edition
      • Pre-compiled library support for GHDL
    • Vivado Simulator
      • Tested Vivado Simulator 2016.1 (xSim) with PoC -> still produces errors or false results
  • New Entities

  • New Testbenches

  • New Constraints

  • New dependencies

    • Embedded Cocotb in <PoCRoot>/lib/cocotb
  • Shipped Tool and Helper Scripts

    • Updated and new Notepad++ syntax files

    • Pre-compiled vendor library support

      • Added a new <PoCRoot>/temp/precompiled folder for precompiled vendor libraries
      • QuestaSim supports Altera QuartusII, Xilinx ISE and Xilinx Vivado libraries
      • GHDL supports Altera QuartusII, Xilinx ISE and Xilinx Vivado libraries