New in 1.x (upcomming)

Already documented changes are available on the release branch at GitHub.

  • Python Infrastructure
    • Common changes
      • The classes Simulator and Compiler now share common methods in base class called Shared.
    • *.files Parser
      • Implemented path expressions: sub-directory expression, concatenate expression
      • Implemented InterpolateLiteral: access database keys in *.files files
      • New Path statement, which defines a path constant calculated from a path expression
      • Replaced string arguments in statements with path expressions if the desired string was a path
      • Replaced simple StringToken matches with Identifier expressions
    • All Simulators
    • All Compilers
    • GHDL
      • Reduced -P<path> parameters: Removed doublings
  • Documentation
  • VHDL common packages
  • VHDL Simulation helpers
    • Mark a testbench as failed if (registered) processes are active while finilize is called
  • New Entities
  • New Testbenches
  • New Constraints
  • Shipped Tool and Helper Scripts
    • Updated and new Notepad++ syntax files