Source code for DataBase.Entity

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
# Python Class:     TODO
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from collections          import OrderedDict
from enum                 import Enum, unique
from pathlib              import Path
from flags                import Flags

from lib.Functions        import Init
from lib.Decorators       import LazyLoadTrigger, ILazyLoadable
from ToolChain            import ConfigurationException

__api__ = [
	'TestbenchKind', 'NetlistKind',
	'WildCard', 'StarWildCard', 'AskWildCard',
	'Testbench', 'VHDLTestbench', 'CocoTestbench',
	'Netlist', 'XstNetlist', 'QuartusNetlist', 'LatticeNetlist', 'CoreGeneratorNetlist', 'VivadoNetlist',
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class EntityTypes(Enum): Unknown = 0 Source = 1 Testbench = 2 NetList = 3 def __str__(self): if (self is EntityTypes.Unknown): return "??" elif (self is EntityTypes.Source): return "src" elif (self is EntityTypes.Testbench): return "tb" elif (self is EntityTypes.NetList): return "nl"
[docs]def _PoCEntityTypes_parser(cls, value): if not isinstance(value, str): return Enum.__new__(cls, value) else: # map strings to enum values, default to Unknown return { 'src': EntityTypes.Source, 'tb': EntityTypes.Testbench, 'nl': EntityTypes.NetList }.get(value, EntityTypes.Unknown)
# override __new__ method in EntityTypes with _PoCEntityTypes_parser setattr(EntityTypes, '__new__', _PoCEntityTypes_parser)
[docs]class BaseFlags(Flags): __no_flags_name__ = "Unknown" __all_flags_name__ = "All"
[docs]class TestbenchKind(BaseFlags): VHDLTestbench = () CocoTestbench = ()
[docs]class NetlistKind(BaseFlags): LatticeNetlist = () QuartusNetlist = () XstNetlist = () CoreGeneratorNetlist = () VivadoNetlist = ()
[docs]class NamespaceRoot: __POCRoot_Name = "PoC" __POCRoot_SectionName = "PoC" def __init__(self, host): self._host = host self.__libraries = OrderedDict() self.__libraries[self.__POCRoot_Name.lower()] = (Library(host, self.__POCRoot_Name, self.__POCRoot_SectionName, self)) @property def Libraries(self): return [lib for lib in self.__libraries.values()] @property def LibraryNames(self): return [libName for libName in self.__libraries.keys()]
[docs] def GetLibraries(self): return self.__libraries.values()
[docs] def GetLibraryNames(self): return self.__libraries.keys()
def __contains__(self, item): return item.lower() in self.__libraries def __getitem__(self, key): key = key.lower() return self.__libraries[key]
[docs] def AddLibrary(self, libraryName, libraryPrefix): self.__libraries[libraryName.lower()] = (Library(self._host, libraryName, libraryPrefix, self))
[docs]class Visibility(Enum): Unknown = 0 Private = 1 Public = 2 def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def __ne__(self, other): return self.value != other.value def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other.value def __le__(self, other): return self.value <= other.value def __gt__(self, other): return self.value > other.value def __ge__(self, other): return self.value >= other.value @classmethod def Parse(cls, value): for key,member in cls.__members__.items(): if (key == value): return member raise ValueError("'{0!s}' is not a valid {1}".format(value, cls.__name__))
[docs]class PathElement: def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._host = host self._name = name self._parent = parent self._configSectionName = configSectionName self._visibility = Visibility.Unknown self._Load() @property def Name(self): return self._name @property def Parent(self): return self._parent @property def ConfigSectionName(self): return self._configSectionName @property def ConfigSection(self): return self._host.PoCConfig[self._configSectionName] @property def Level(self): return self._parent.Level + 1 @property def Visibility(self): return self._visibility @property def IsVisible(self): return self._host.Repository.Kind <= self._visibility @property def Path(self): cur = self result = [] while True: result.insert(0, cur) cur = cur.Parent if isinstance(cur, Library): break else: raise ConfigurationException("Hierarchy error. Expected Library.") return result
[docs] def _Load(self): self._visibility = Visibility.Parse(self.ConfigSection['Visibility'])
def __str__(self): return "{0!s}.{1}".format(self.Parent, self.Name)
[docs]class Namespace(PathElement): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self.__namespaces = OrderedDict() self.__entities = OrderedDict() super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent)
[docs] def _Load(self): super()._Load() for optionName in self.ConfigSection: kind = self.ConfigSection[optionName] if (kind == "Namespace"): # print("loading namespace: {0}".format(optionName)) section = self._configSectionName + "." + optionName ns = Namespace(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=section, parent=self) self.__namespaces[optionName.lower()] = ns elif (kind == "Entity"): # print("loading entity: {0}".format(optionName)) section = ".".join(["IP"] + self._configSectionName.split(".")[1:] + [optionName]) ent = IPCore(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=section, parent=self) self.__entities[optionName.lower()] = ent
@property def Namespaces(self): return [ns for ns in self.GetNamespaces()] @property def NamespaceNames(self): return [nsName for nsName in self.GetNamespaceNames()] @property def Entities(self): return [entity for entity in self.GetEntities()] @property def EntityNames(self): return [entityName for entityName in self.GetEntityNames()]
[docs] def GetNamespaces(self): for namespace in self.__namespaces.values(): if namespace.IsVisible: yield namespace
[docs] def GetNamespaceNames(self): for namespace in self.__namespaces.values(): if namespace.IsVisible: yield namespace.Name
[docs] def GetEntities(self): for entity in self.__entities.values(): if entity.IsVisible: yield entity
[docs] def GetEntityNames(self): for entity in self.__entities.values(): if entity.IsVisible: yield entity.Name
[docs] def GetAllEntities(self): for namespace in self.GetNamespaces(): for entity in namespace.GetAllEntities(): yield entity for entity in self.GetEntities(): yield entity
def __getitem__(self, key): key = key.lower() try: item = self.__namespaces[key] except KeyError: item = self.__entities[key] if (not item.IsVisible): raise KeyError("Item '{0!s}' is not visible.".format(key)) return item
[docs] def pprint(self, indent=0): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}{1}\n".format(__indent, self.Name) for ent in self.GetEntities(): buffer += ent.pprint(indent + 1) for ns in self.GetNamespaces(): buffer += ns.pprint(indent + 1) return buffer
[docs]class Library(Namespace): @property def Level(self): return 0 def __str__(self): return self.Name
[docs]class WildCard(PathElement):
[docs] def GetEntities(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def GetTestbenches(self, kind=TestbenchKind.All): for entity in self.GetEntities(): for tb in entity.GetTestbenches(): if (tb.Kind in kind): yield tb
[docs] def GetVHDLTestbenches(self): return self.GetTestbenches(TestbenchKind.VHDLTestbench)
[docs] def GetCocoTestbenches(self): return self.GetTestbenches(TestbenchKind.CocoTestbench)
[docs] def GetNetlists(self, kind=NetlistKind.All): for entity in self.GetEntities(): for nl in entity.GetNetlists(kind): if (nl.Kind in kind): yield nl
[docs] def GetLatticeNetlists(self): return self.GetNetlists(NetlistKind.LatticeNetlist)
[docs] def GetQuartusNetlists(self): return self.GetNetlists(NetlistKind.QuartusNetlist)
[docs] def GetXSTNetlists(self): return self.GetNetlists(NetlistKind.XstNetlist)
[docs] def GetCoreGenNetlists(self): return self.GetNetlists(NetlistKind.CoreGeneratorNetlist)
[docs] def GetVivadoNetlists(self): return self.GetNetlists(NetlistKind.VivadoNetlist)
@property def Testbenches(self): return [tb for tb in self.GetTestbenches()] @property def VHDLTestbenches(self): return [tb for tb in self.GetVHDLTestbenches()] @property def CocoTestbenches(self): return [tb for tb in self.GetCocoTestbenches()] @property def Netlists(self): return [tb for tb in self.GetNetlists()] @property def LatticeNetlists(self): return [nl for nl in self.GetLatticeNetlists()] @property def QuartusNetlists(self): return [nl for nl in self.GetQuartusNetlists()] @property def XSTNetlists(self): return [nl for nl in self.GetXSTNetlists()] @property def CoreGenNetlists(self): return [nl for nl in self.GetCoreGenNetlists()] @property def VivadoNetlists(self): return [nl for nl in self.GetVivadoNetlists()]
[docs]class StarWildCard(WildCard):
[docs] def _Load(self): pass
[docs] def GetEntities(self): for entity in self._parent.GetAllEntities(): yield entity
[docs]class AskWildCard(WildCard):
[docs] def _Load(self): pass
[docs] def GetEntities(self): for entity in self._parent.GetEntities(): yield entity
[docs]class IPCore(PathElement): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._dependencies = [] # Testbenches self._vhdltb = [] # OrderedDict() self._cocotb = [] # OrderedDict() # Netlists self._latticeNetlist = [] # OrderedDict() self._quartusNetlist = [] # OrderedDict() self._xstNetlist = [] # OrderedDict() self._coreGenNetlist = [] # OrderedDict() self._vivadoNetlist = [] # OrderedDict() super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) @property def Dependencies(self): return self._dependencies @property def VHDLTestbench(self): if (len(self._vhdltb) == 0): raise ConfigurationException("No VHDL testbench configured for '{0!s}'.".format(self)) return self._vhdltb[0] @property def CocoTestbench(self): if (len(self._cocotb) == 0): raise ConfigurationException("No Cocotb testbench configured for '{0!s}'.".format(self)) return self._cocotb[0]
[docs] def GetTestbenches(self, kind=TestbenchKind.All): if (TestbenchKind.VHDLTestbench in kind): for tb in self._vhdltb: if tb.IsVisible: yield tb if (TestbenchKind.CocoTestbench in kind): for tb in self._cocotb: if tb.IsVisible: yield tb
@property def LatticeNetlist(self): if (len(self._latticeNetlist) == 0): raise ConfigurationException("No Lattice netlist configured for '{0!s}'.".format(self)) return self._latticeNetlist[0] @property def QuartusNetlist(self): if (len(self._quartusNetlist) == 0): raise ConfigurationException("No Quartus-II netlist configured for '{0!s}'.".format(self)) return self._quartusNetlist[0] @property def XSTNetlist(self): if (len(self._xstNetlist) == 0): raise ConfigurationException("No XST netlist configured for '{0!s}'.".format(self)) return self._xstNetlist[0] @property def CGNetlist(self): if (len(self._coreGenNetlist) == 0): raise ConfigurationException("No CoreGen netlist configured for '{0!s}'.".format(self)) return self._coreGenNetlist[0] @property def VivadoNetlist(self): if (len(self._vivadoNetlist) == 0): raise ConfigurationException("No Vivado netlist configured for '{0!s}'.".format(self)) return self._vivadoNetlist[0]
[docs] def GetNetlists(self, kind=NetlistKind.All): # mccabe:disable=MC0001 if (NetlistKind.LatticeNetlist in kind): for nl in self._latticeNetlist: if nl.IsVisible: yield nl if (NetlistKind.QuartusNetlist in kind): for nl in self._quartusNetlist: if nl.IsVisible: yield nl if (NetlistKind.XstNetlist in kind): for nl in self._xstNetlist: if nl.IsVisible: yield nl if (NetlistKind.CoreGeneratorNetlist in kind): for nl in self._coreGenNetlist: if nl.IsVisible: yield nl if (NetlistKind.VivadoNetlist in kind): for nl in self._vivadoNetlist: if nl.IsVisible: yield nl
[docs] def _Load(self): super()._Load() section = self.ConfigSection # load dependencies (as names) self._dependencies = section['Dependencies'].split() # load testbenches and netlists for optionName in section: kind = section[optionName].lower() if (kind == "vhdltestbench"): sectionName = self._configSectionName.replace("IP", "TB") + "." + optionName tb = VHDLTestbench(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=sectionName, parent=self) self._vhdltb.append(tb) # self._vhdltb[optionName] = tb elif (kind == "cocotestbench"): sectionName = self._configSectionName.replace("IP", "COCOTB") + "." + optionName tb = CocoTestbench(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=sectionName, parent=self) self._cocotb.append(tb) # self._cocotb[optionName] = tb elif (kind == "lsenetlist"): sectionName = self._configSectionName.replace("IP", "LSE") + "." + optionName nl = LatticeNetlist(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=sectionName, parent=self) self._latticeNetlist.append(nl) # self._xstNetlist[optionName] = nl elif (kind == "quartusnetlist"): sectionName = self._configSectionName.replace("IP", "QMAP") + "." + optionName nl = QuartusNetlist(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=sectionName, parent=self) self._quartusNetlist.append(nl) # self._xstNetlist[optionName] = nl elif (kind == "xstnetlist"): sectionName = self._configSectionName.replace("IP", "XST") + "." + optionName nl = XstNetlist(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=sectionName, parent=self) self._xstNetlist.append(nl) # self._xstNetlist[optionName] = nl elif (kind == "coregennetlist"): sectionName = self._configSectionName.replace("IP", "CG") + "." + optionName nl = CoreGeneratorNetlist(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=sectionName, parent=self) self._coreGenNetlist.append(nl) # self._coreGenNetlist[optionName] = nl elif (kind == "vivadonetlist"): sectionName = self._configSectionName.replace("IP", "VIVADO") + "." + optionName nl = VivadoNetlist(host=self._host, name=optionName, configSectionName=sectionName, parent=self) self._vivadoNetlist.append(nl)
# self._vivadoNetlist[optionName] = nl
[docs] def pprint(self, indent=0): buffer = "{0}Entity: {1}\n".format(" " * indent, self.Name) if (len(self._vhdltb) > 0): buffer += self._vhdltb.pprint(indent + 1) if (len(self._cocotb) > 0): buffer += self._cocotb.pprint(indent + 1) if (len(self._xstNetlist) > 0): buffer += self._xstNetlist.pprint(indent + 1) if (len(self._coreGenNetlist) > 0): buffer += self._coreGenNetlist.pprint(indent + 1) if (len(self._vivadoNetlist) > 0): buffer += self._vivadoNetlist.pprint(indent + 1) return buffer
[docs]class LazyPathElement(PathElement, ILazyLoadable): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._kind = None super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) ILazyLoadable.__init__(self) @property def Kind(self): return self._kind def __str__(self): return "{0!s}.{1}".format(self._parent, self._name)
[docs]class SimulationResult(Enum): """Simulation result enumeration.""" NotRun = 0 DryRun = 1 Error = 2 Failed = 3 NoAsserts = 4 Passed = 5 GUIRun = 6
[docs]class Testbench(LazyPathElement): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._kind = TestbenchKind.Unknown self._moduleName = "" self._filesFile = None self._result = SimulationResult.NotRun super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) @property @LazyLoadTrigger def ModuleName(self): return self._moduleName @property @LazyLoadTrigger def FilesFile(self): return self._filesFile @property def Result(self): return self._result @Result.setter def Result(self, value): self._result = value # def __setattr__(self, key, value): # super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._moduleName = self.ConfigSection["TestbenchModule"] self._filesFile = Path(self.ConfigSection["FilesFile"])
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}Testbench:\n".format(__indent) buffer += "{0} Files: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._filesFile) return buffer
[docs]class VHDLTestbench(Testbench): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) self._kind = TestbenchKind.VHDLTestbench
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load()
def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + " (VHDL testbench)"
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}VHDL Testbench:\n".format(__indent) buffer += "{0} Files: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._filesFile) return buffer
[docs]class CocoTestbench(Testbench): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._topLevel = "" super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) self._kind = TestbenchKind.CocoTestbench @property @LazyLoadTrigger def TopLevel(self): return self._topLevel
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._topLevel = self.ConfigSection["TopLevel"]
def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + " (Cocotb testbench)"
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}Cocotb Testbench:\n".format(__indent) buffer += "{0} Files: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._filesFile) return buffer
[docs]class Netlist(LazyPathElement): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._kind = NetlistKind.Unknown self._moduleName = "" self._rulesFile = None super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) @property @LazyLoadTrigger def ModuleName(self): return self._moduleName @property @LazyLoadTrigger def RulesFile(self): return self._rulesFile
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._moduleName = self.ConfigSection["TopLevel"] self._dependencies = self.ConfigSection['Dependencies'].split() value = self.ConfigSection["RulesFile"] self._rulesFile = Path(value) if (value != "") else None
[docs]class XstNetlist(Netlist): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._filesFile = None self._prjFile = None self._xcfFile = None self._filterFile = None self._xstTemplateFile = None self._xstFile = None super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) self._kind = NetlistKind.XstNetlist @property @LazyLoadTrigger def FilesFile(self): return self._filesFile @property @LazyLoadTrigger def XcfFile(self): return self._xcfFile @property @LazyLoadTrigger def FilterFile(self): return self._filterFile @property @LazyLoadTrigger def XstTemplateFile(self): return self._xstTemplateFile @property def PrjFile(self): return self._prjFile @PrjFile.setter def PrjFile(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = Path(value) self._prjFile = value @property def XstFile(self): return self._xstFile @XstFile.setter def XstFile(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = Path(value) self._xstFile = value
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._filesFile = Path(self.ConfigSection["FilesFile"]) self._xcfFile = Path(self.ConfigSection['XSTConstraintsFile']) self._filterFile = Path(self.ConfigSection['XSTFilterFile']) self._xstTemplateFile = Path(self.ConfigSection['XSTOptionsFile'])
def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + " (XST netlist)"
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}Netlist: {1}\n".format(__indent, self._moduleName) buffer += "{0} Files: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._filesFile) buffer += "{0} Rules: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._rulesFile) return buffer
[docs]class QuartusNetlist(Netlist): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._filesFile = None self._qsfFile = None super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) self._kind = NetlistKind.QuartusNetlist @property @LazyLoadTrigger def FilesFile(self): return self._filesFile @property def QsfFile(self): return self._qsfFile @QsfFile.setter def QsfFile(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = Path(value) self._qsfFile = value
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._filesFile = Path(self.ConfigSection["FilesFile"])
def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + " (Quartus netlist)"
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}Netlist: {1}\n".format(__indent, self._moduleName) buffer += "{0} Files: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._filesFile) buffer += "{0} Rules: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._rulesFile) return buffer
[docs]class LatticeNetlist(Netlist): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._filesFile = None self._prjFile = None super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) self._kind = NetlistKind.LatticeNetlist @property @LazyLoadTrigger def FilesFile(self): return self._filesFile @property def PrjFile(self): return self._prjFile @PrjFile.setter def PrjFile(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = Path(value) self._prjFile = value
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._filesFile = Path(self.ConfigSection["FilesFile"])
def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + " (Lattice netlist)"
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}Netlist: {1}\n".format(__indent, self._moduleName) buffer += "{0} Files: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._filesFile) buffer += "{0} Rules: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._rulesFile) return buffer
[docs]class CoreGeneratorNetlist(Netlist): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._xcoFile = None super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) self._kind = NetlistKind.CoreGeneratorNetlist def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + " (Core Generator netlist)" @property def FilesFile(self): return None @property def XcoFile(self): return self._xcoFile
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._xcoFile = Path(self.ConfigSection['CoreGeneratorFile'])
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}Netlist: {1}\n".format(__indent, self._moduleName) buffer += "{0} Rules: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._rulesFile) return buffer
[docs]class VivadoNetlist(Netlist): def __init__(self, host, name, configSectionName, parent): self._filesFile = None self._tclFile = None super().__init__(host, name, configSectionName, parent) self._kind = NetlistKind.VivadoNetlist @property @LazyLoadTrigger def FilesFile(self): return self._filesFile @property def TclFile(self): return self._tclFile @TclFile.setter def TclFile(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = Path(value) self._tclFile = value
[docs] def _LazyLoadable_Load(self): super()._LazyLoadable_Load() self._filesFile = Path(self.ConfigSection["FilesFile"])
def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + " (Vivado netlist)"
[docs] def pprint(self, indent): __indent = " " * indent buffer = "{0}Netlist: {1}\n".format(__indent, self._moduleName) buffer += "{0} Files: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._filesFile) buffer += "{0} Rules: {1!s}\n".format(__indent, self._rulesFile) return buffer
[docs]class FQN: def __init__(self, host, fqn, defaultLibrary="PoC", defaultType=EntityTypes.Source): self.__host = host self.__type = None self.__parts = [] if (fqn is None): raise ValueError("Parameter 'fqn' is None.") if (fqn == ""): raise ValueError("Parameter 'fqn' is empty.") # extract EntityType splitList1 = fqn.split(":") if (len(splitList1) == 1): self.__type = defaultType entity = fqn elif (len(splitList1) == 2): self.__type = EntityTypes(splitList1[0]) entity = splitList1[1] else: raise ValueError("Argument 'fqn' has to many ':' signs.") # extract parts parts = entity.split(".") if (parts[0].lower() not in self.__host.Root): parts.insert(0, defaultLibrary) # check and resolve parts cur = self.__host.Root self.__parts.append(cur) last = len(parts) - 1 for pos,part in enumerate(parts): if ((pos == last) and ("*" in part)): pe = StarWildCard(host, part, "----", cur) self.__parts.append(pe) elif ((pos == last) and ("?" in part)): pe = AskWildCard(host, part, "----", cur) self.__parts.append(pe) else: try: pe = cur[part] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationException("PoC entity '{GREEN}{good}{RED}.{bad}{NOCOLOR}' not found.".format(good=(".".join(parts[:pos])), bad=(".".join(parts[pos:])), **Init.Foreground)) self.__parts.append(pe) cur = pe
[docs] def Root(self): return self.__host.Root
@property def Entity(self): return self.__parts[-1] def __str__(self): return str(self.Entity)