# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; python-indent-offset: 2 -*-
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# ==============================================================================
# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
# Martin Zabel
# Python Class: Aldec Active-HDL specific classes
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
# Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import unique
from subprocess import check_output
from lib.Functions import CallByRefParam, Init
from Base.Exceptions import PlatformNotSupportedException
from Base.Logging import LogEntry, Severity
from Base.Executable import Executable, DryRunException
from Base.Executable import ExecutableArgument, PathArgument, StringArgument
from Base.Executable import LongFlagArgument, ShortValuedFlagArgument, ShortTupleArgument, CommandLineArgumentList
from DataBase.Entity import SimulationResult
from ToolChain import ToolMixIn, ConfigurationException, ToolConfiguration, EditionDescription, Edition, ToolSelector, OutputFilteredExecutable
from ToolChain.Aldec import AldecException
from Simulator import PoCSimulationResultFilter
__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__
[docs]class ActiveHDLException(AldecException):
"""An ActiveHDLException is raised if Active-HDL catches a system exception."""
[docs]class AldecActiveHDLEditions(Edition):
"""Enumeration of all Active-HDL editions provided by Aldec itself."""
StandardEdition = EditionDescription(Name="Active-HDL", Section="foo")
StudentEdition = EditionDescription(Name="Active-HDL (Student Edition)", Section="bar")
[docs]class ActiveHDLEditions(Edition):
"""Enumeration of all Active-HDL editions provided by Aldec inclusive editions
shipped by other vendors.
StandardEdition = EditionDescription(Name="Aldec Active-HDL", Section="INSTALL.Aldec.ActiveHDL")
LatticeEdition = EditionDescription(Name="Active-HDL Lattice Edition", Section="INSTALL.Lattice.ActiveHDL")
# StudentEdition = "Active-HDL (Student Edition)"
[docs]class Configuration(ToolConfiguration):
_vendor = "Aldec" #: The name of the tools vendor.
_toolName = "Aldec Active-HDL" #: The name of the tool.
_section = "INSTALL.Aldec.ActiveHDL" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Vendor.ToolName``.
_multiVersionSupport = True #: Aldec Active-HDL supports multiple versions installed on the same system.
_template = {
"Windows": {
_section: {
"Version": "10.3",
"SectionName": ("%{PathWithRoot}#${Version}", None),
"Edition": ("${${SectionName}:Edition}", "Active-HDL"),
"InstallationDirectory": ("${${SectionName}:InstallationDirectory}", "${INSTALL.Aldec:InstallationDirectory}/Active-HDL"),
"BinaryDirectory": ("${${SectionName}:BinaryDirectory}", "${InstallationDirectory}/BIN")
} #: The template for the configuration sections represented as nested dictionaries.
[docs] def CheckDependency(self):
"""Check if general Aldec support is configured in PoC."""
return (len(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.Aldec']) != 0)
def __CheckActiveHDLVersion(self, binPath, version):
"""Compare the given Active-HDL version with the tool's version string."""
# TODO: use vsim abstraction?
if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"):
vsimPath = binPath / "vsim.exe"
vsimPath = binPath / "vsim"
if not vsimPath.exists():
raise ConfigurationException("Executable '{0!s}' not found.".format(vsimPath)) \
from FileNotFoundError(str(vsimPath))
output = check_output([str(vsimPath), "-version"], universal_newlines=True)
if str(version) not in output:
raise ConfigurationException("Active-HDL version mismatch. Expected version {0}.".format(version))
class Selector(ToolSelector):
_toolName = "Active-HDL"
def Select(self):
editions = self._GetConfiguredEditions(ActiveHDLEditions)
if (len(editions) == 0):
self._host.LogWarning("No Active-HDL installation found.", indent=1)
self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.ActiveHDL'] = OrderedDict()
elif (len(editions) == 1):
self._host.LogNormal("Default Active-HDL installation:", indent=1)
self._host.LogNormal("Set to {0}".format(editions[0].Name), indent=2)
self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.ActiveHDL']['SectionName'] = editions[0].Section
self._host.LogNormal("Select Active-HDL installation:", indent=1)
defaultEdition = ActiveHDLEditions.LatticeEdition
if defaultEdition not in editions:
defaultEdition = editions[0]
selectedEdition = self._AskSelection(editions, defaultEdition)
self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.ActiveHDL']['SectionName'] = selectedEdition.Section
[docs]class ActiveHDL(ToolMixIn):
"""Factory for executable abstractions in Active-HDL."""
[docs] def GetVHDLCompiler(self):
"""Return an instance of Active-HDL's VHDL compiler 'vcom'."""
return VHDLCompiler(self)
[docs] def GetSimulator(self):
"""Return an instance of Active-HDL's VHDL simulator 'vsim'."""
return VHDLStandaloneSimulator(self)
[docs]class VHDLCompiler(OutputFilteredExecutable, ToolMixIn):
"""Abstraction layer of Active-HDL's VHDL compiler 'vcom'."""
def __init__(self, toolchain : ToolMixIn):
self, toolchain._platform, toolchain._dryrun, toolchain._binaryDirectoryPath, toolchain._version,
if (self._platform == "Windows"): executablePath = self._binaryDirectoryPath / "vcom.exe"
else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(self._platform)
super().__init__(self._platform, self._dryrun, executablePath, logger=self._logger)
self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath
[docs] class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument):
_value = None
[docs] class FlagNoRangeCheck(metaclass=LongFlagArgument):
_name = "norangecheck"
_value = None
[docs] class SwitchVHDLVersion(metaclass=ShortValuedFlagArgument):
_pattern = "-{1}"
_name = ""
_value = None
[docs] class SwitchVHDLLibrary(metaclass=ShortTupleArgument):
_name = "work"
_value = None
[docs] class ArgSourceFile(metaclass=PathArgument):
_value = None
Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList(
# -reorder enables automatic file ordering
# -O[0 | 1 | 2 | 3] set optimization level
# -93 conform to VHDL 1076-1993
# -2002 conform to VHDL 1076-2002 (default)
# -2008 conform to VHDL 1076-2008
# -relax allow 32-bit integer literals
# -incr switching compiler to fast incremental mode
[docs] def Compile(self):
parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList()
self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList)))
if (self._dryrun):
self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList)))
except Exception as ex:
raise ActiveHDLException("Failed to launch acom run.") from ex
self._hasOutput = False
self._hasWarnings = False
self._hasErrors = False
iterator = iter(VComFilter(self.GetReader()))
line = next(iterator)
self._hasOutput = True
self.LogNormal(" acom messages for '{0}'".format(self.Parameters[self.ArgSourceFile]))
self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2)))
while True:
self._hasWarnings |= (line.Severity is Severity.Warning)
self._hasErrors |= (line.Severity is Severity.Error)
line.IndentBy(self.Logger.BaseIndent + 1)
line = next(iterator)
except DryRunException:
except StopIteration:
if self._hasOutput:
self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2)))
[docs]class VHDLStandaloneSimulator(OutputFilteredExecutable, ToolMixIn):
"""Abstraction layer of Active-HDL's VHDL standalone simulator 'vsimsa'."""
def __init__(self, toolchain : ToolMixIn):
self, toolchain._platform, toolchain._dryrun, toolchain._binaryDirectoryPath, toolchain._version,
if (self._platform == "Windows"): executablePath = self._binaryDirectoryPath / "vsimsa.exe"
else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(self._platform)
super().__init__(self._platform, self._dryrun, executablePath, logger=self._logger)
self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath
[docs] class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument):
_value = None
[docs] class SwitchBatchCommand(metaclass=ShortTupleArgument):
_name = "do"
_value = None
Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList(
[docs] def Simulate(self):
parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList()
self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList)))
self.LogDebug("tcl commands: {0}".format(self.Parameters[self.SwitchBatchCommand]))
except Exception as ex:
raise ActiveHDLException("Failed to launch vsimsa run.") from ex
self._hasOutput = False
self._hasWarnings = False
self._hasErrors = False
simulationResult = CallByRefParam(SimulationResult.Error)
iterator = iter(PoCSimulationResultFilter(VSimFilter(self.GetReader()), simulationResult))
line = next(iterator)
self._hasOutput = True
self.LogNormal(" vsimsa messages for '{0}.{1}'".format("?????", "?????"))
self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2)))
while True:
self._hasWarnings |= (line.Severity is Severity.Warning)
self._hasErrors |= (line.Severity is Severity.Error)
line.IndentBy(self.Logger.BaseIndent + 1)
line = next(iterator)
except DryRunException:
simulationResult <<= SimulationResult.DryRun
except StopIteration:
if self._hasOutput:
self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2)))
return simulationResult.value
[docs]def VLibFilter(gen):
"""A line based output stream filter for Active-HDL's VHDL library management
for line in gen:
if line.startswith("ALIB: Library "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)
[docs]def VComFilter(gen): # mccabe:disable=MC0001
"""A line based output stream filter for Active-HDL's VHDL compiler."""
for line in gen:
if line.startswith("Aldec, Inc. VHDL Compiler"):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Debug)
elif line.startswith("DAGGEN WARNING DAGGEN_0523"):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Debug)
elif line.startswith("ACOMP Initializing"):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Debug)
elif line.startswith("VLM Initialized with path"):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("VLM ERROR "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 File: "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 Compile Package "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 Compile Entity "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 Compile Architecture "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 Compile success "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 Compile failure "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 WARNING "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Warning)
elif line.startswith("ELAB1 WARNING ELAB1_0026:"):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Warning)
elif line.startswith("COMP96 ERROR "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error)
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)
[docs]def VSimFilter(gen):
"""A line based output stream filter for Active-HDL's VHDL simulator."""
PoCOutputFound = False
for line in gen:
if line.startswith("asim"):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("VSIM: "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif (line.startswith("ELBREAD: Warning: ") and line.endswith("not bound.")):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error)
elif line.startswith("ELBREAD: "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("ELAB2: "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("SLP: "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("Allocation: "):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
elif line.startswith("KERNEL: ========================================"):
PoCOutputFound = True
yield LogEntry(line[8:], Severity.Normal)
elif line.startswith("KERNEL: "):
if (not PoCOutputFound):
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
yield LogEntry(line[8:], Severity.Normal)
yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)