Source code for ToolChain.GNU

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
# Python Class:     GNU tools specific classes
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from pathlib                 import Path
from re                      import compile as re_compile

from lib.Functions           import Init, CallByRefParam
from Base.Exceptions         import PlatformNotSupportedException
from Base.Executable         import Environment, DryRunException, Executable, CommandLineArgumentList
from Base.Executable         import ExecutableArgument, ValuedFlagArgument, ShortTupleArgument, LongTupleArgument, LongFlagArgument, StringListArgument
from Base.Logging            import LogEntry, Severity
from DataBase.Entity         import SimulationResult
from ToolChain               import ToolChainException, OutputFilteredExecutable

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class GNUException(ToolChainException): pass
[docs]class Make(OutputFilteredExecutable): def __init__(self, platform, dryrun, logger=None): if (platform == "Linux"): executablePath = Path("/usr/bin/make") else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(platform) super().__init__(platform, dryrun, executablePath, logger=logger) self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath
[docs] class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument): pass
[docs] class SwitchGui(metaclass=ValuedFlagArgument): _name = "GUI"
Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Executable, SwitchGui )
[docs] def RunCocotb(self): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GNUException("Failed to launch Make.") from ex self._hasOutput = False self._hasWarnings = False self._hasErrors = False simulationResult = CallByRefParam(SimulationResult.Error) try: iterator = iter(CocotbSimulationResultFilter(GNUMakeQuestaSimFilter(self.GetReader()), simulationResult)) line = next(iterator) line.IndentBy(self.Logger.BaseIndent + 1) self._hasOutput = True self.LogNormal(" Make messages") self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2))) self.Log(line) while True: self._hasWarnings |= (line.Severity is Severity.Warning) self._hasErrors |= (line.Severity is Severity.Error) line = next(iterator) line.IndentBy(self.Logger.BaseIndent + 1) self.Log(line) except DryRunException: simulationResult <<= SimulationResult.DryRun except StopIteration: pass finally: if self._hasOutput: self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2))) return simulationResult.value
class Bash(Executable): def __init__(self, platform, dryrun, logger=None): if (platform == "Linux"): executablePath = Path("/bin/bash") else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(platform) super().__init__(platform, dryrun, executablePath, logger=logger) self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument): pass class SwitchCommand(metaclass=ShortTupleArgument): _name = "c" Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Executable, SwitchCommand ) def GetEnvironment(self, settingsFile=None, variables=""): if (settingsFile is None): self.Parameters[self.SwitchCommand] = "env" else: self.Parameters[self.SwitchCommand] = "{variables}source {settingsFile!s} && env".format(settingsFile=settingsFile, variables=variables) parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GNUException("Failed to launch /bin/bash.") from ex env = Environment() iterator = iter(self.GetReader()) for line in iterator: try: var,value = line.split("=", 1) env.Variables[var] = value except Exception as ex: raise GNUException("Error while reading output from /bin/bash.") from ex return env class LCov(Executable): def __init__(self, platform, dryrun, logger=None): if (platform == "Linux"): executablePath = Path("/usr/bin/lcov") else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(platform) super().__init__(platform, dryrun, executablePath, logger=logger) self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument): pass class FlagCapture(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "capture" class SwitchDirectory(metaclass=LongTupleArgument): _name = "directory" class SwitchOutputFile(metaclass=LongTupleArgument): _name = "output-file" Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Executable, FlagCapture, SwitchDirectory, SwitchOutputFile ) def Execute(self): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GNUException("Failed to launch /usr/bin/lcov.") from ex iterator = iter(self.GetReader()) for line in iterator: print(line) class GenHtml(Executable): def __init__(self, platform, dryrun, logger=None): if (platform == "Linux"): executablePath = Path("/usr/bin/genhtml") else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(platform) super().__init__(platform, dryrun, executablePath, logger=logger) self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument): pass class SwitchOutputDirectory(metaclass=LongTupleArgument): _name = "output-directory" class SwitchInputFiles(metaclass=StringListArgument): pass Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Executable, SwitchOutputDirectory, SwitchInputFiles ) def Execute(self): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GNUException("Failed to launch /usr/bin/genhtml.") from ex iterator = iter(self.GetReader()) for line in iterator: print(line)
[docs]def GNUMakeQuestaSimFilter(gen): for line in gen: if line.startswith("# --"): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose) elif line.startswith("# Loading"): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose) elif line.startswith("# ** Note"): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Info) elif line.startswith("# ** Warn"): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Warning) elif line.startswith("# ** Erro"): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error) elif line.startswith("# ** Fata"): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error) elif line.startswith("# //"): continue else: yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)
# Could not be moved to CocotbSimulator. Function could not be imported. (Why?)
[docs]def CocotbSimulationResultFilter(gen, simulationResult): passedRegExpStr = r".*?in tear_down\s+Passed \d+ tests" # Source filename passedRegExp = re_compile(passedRegExpStr) failedRegExpStr = r".*?in tear_down\s+Failed \d+ out of \d+ tests" # Source filename failedRegExp = re_compile(failedRegExpStr) for line in gen: color = None passedRegExpMatch = passedRegExp.match(str(line)) failedRegExpMatch = failedRegExp.match(str(line)) if passedRegExpMatch is not None: color = Init.Foreground['GREEN'] simulationResult <<= SimulationResult.Passed elif failedRegExpMatch is not None: color = Init.Foreground['RED'] simulationResult <<= SimulationResult.Failed # color is set when message should be printed if color is not None: yield LogEntry("{COLOR}{line}{NOCOLOR}".format(COLOR=color, line=line.Message, **Init.Foreground), line.Severity, line.Indent) continue yield line