Source code for ToolChain.Git

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
#										Thomas B. Preusser
# Python Class:     Git specific classes
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from pathlib              import Path
from re                   import compile as re_compile
from subprocess           import check_output, CalledProcessError
from os                   import environ
from shutil               import copy as shutil_copy

from lib.Functions        import Init
from Base.Exceptions      import PlatformNotSupportedException, CommonException
from Base.Executable      import Executable, ExecutableArgument, CommandLineArgumentList
from Base.Executable      import CommandArgument, LongFlagArgument, ValuedFlagArgument, StringArgument, LongValuedFlagArgument, LongTupleArgument
from ToolChain            import ToolMixIn, ToolChainException, ConfigurationException, SkipConfigurationException, ChangeState, ToolConfiguration

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class GitException(ToolChainException): pass
[docs]class Configuration(ToolConfiguration): _vendor = "Git SCM" #: The name of the tools vendor. _toolName = "Git" #: The name of the tool. _section = "INSTALL.Git" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Vendor.ToolName``. _template = { "Windows": { _section: { "Version": "2.8.2", "InstallationDirectory": "C:/Program Files/Git", "BinaryDirectory": "${InstallationDirectory}/cmd" } }, "Linux": { _section: { "Version": "2.8.1", "InstallationDirectory": "/usr/bin", "BinaryDirectory": "${InstallationDirectory}" } } } #: The template for the configuration sections represented as nested dictionaries. def __init__(self, host): super().__init__(host) self._git = None
[docs] def ConfigureForAll(self): try: if (not self._AskInstalled("Is Git installed on your system?")): self.ClearSection() else: # Configure Git version self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = self._template[self._host.Platform][self._section]['Version'] self._ConfigureInstallationDirectory() binPath = self._ConfigureBinaryDirectory() self.__WriteGitSection(binPath) except ConfigurationException: self.ClearSection() raise if (len(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.Git']) == 0): self._host.LogNormal("Skipping further Git setup. No Git installation found.", indent=1) self._host.LogNormal("{DARK_GREEN}Git is now configured.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground), indent=1) return try: binaryDirectoryPath = binPath self._git = Git(self._host.Platform, self._host.DryRun, binaryDirectoryPath, "", logger=self._host.Logger) except Exception as ex: self._host.LogWarning(str(ex)) if (not self.__IsUnderGitControl()): self._host.LogNormal("Skipping Git setup. This directory is not under Git control.", indent=1) self._host.LogNormal("{DARK_GREEN}Git is now configured.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground), indent=1) return pocSection = self._host.PoCConfig[self._section] try: if (not self._AskYes_NoPass("Install Git mechanisms for PoC developers?")): self._changed = ChangeState.Changed pocSection['HasInstalledGitFilters'] = "False" pocSection['HasInstalledGitHooks'] = "False" self._host.LogNormal("{DARK_GREEN}Git is now configured.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground), indent=1) return except SkipConfigurationException: self._host.LogNormal("{DARK_GREEN}Git is now configured.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground), indent=1) raise if ((self._AskInstalled("Install Git filters?")) and (pocSection['HasInstalledGitFilters'] == "False")): self._changed = ChangeState.Changed pocSection['HasInstalledGitFilters'] = "True" elif (pocSection['HasInstalledGitFilters'] == "True"): self._changed = ChangeState.Changed pocSection['HasInstalledGitFilters'] = "False" if ((self._AskInstalled("Install Git hooks?")) and (pocSection['HasInstalledGitHooks'] == "False")): self._changed = ChangeState.Changed pocSection['HasInstalledGitHooks'] = "True" elif (pocSection['HasInstalledGitHooks'] == "True"): self._changed = ChangeState.Changed pocSection['HasInstalledGitHooks'] = "False" self._host.LogNormal("{DARK_GREEN}Git is now configured.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground), indent=1)
[docs] def _GetDefaultInstallationDirectory(self): if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"): # TODO: extract to base class -> provide a SearchInPath method envPath = environ.get('PATH') for pathItem in envPath.split(";"): binaryDirectoryPath = Path(pathItem) gitPath = binaryDirectoryPath / "git.exe" if gitPath.exists(): return binaryDirectoryPath.parent.as_posix() elif (self._host.Platform in ["Linux", "Darwin"]): try: name = check_output(["which", "git"], universal_newlines=True).strip() if name != "": return Path(name).parent.as_posix() except CalledProcessError: pass # `which` returns non-zero exit code if GHDL is not in PATH return super()._GetDefaultInstallationDirectory()
[docs] def RunPostConfigurationTasks(self): if self._changed is ChangeState.Changed: pocSection = self._host.PoCConfig[self._section] if (pocSection['HasInstalledGitFilters'] == "True"): self.__InstallGitFilters() else: self.__UninstallGitFilters() if (pocSection['HasInstalledGitHooks'] == "True"): self.__InstallGitHooks() else: self.__UninstallGitHooks()
def __WriteGitSection(self, binPath): if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"): gitPath = binPath / "git.exe" else: gitPath = binPath / "git" if not gitPath.exists(): raise ConfigurationException("Executable '{0!s}' not found.".format(gitPath)) from FileNotFoundError(str(gitPath)) # get version and backend output = check_output([str(gitPath), "--version"], universal_newlines=True) version = None versionRegExpStr = r"^git version (\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*" versionRegExp = re_compile(versionRegExpStr) for line in output.split('\n'): if version is None: match = versionRegExp.match(line) if match is not None: version = if (version is None): raise ConfigurationException("Version number not found in '{0!s} --version' output.".format(gitPath)) self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = version def __IsUnderGitControl(self): try: gitRevParse = self._git.GetGitRevParse() gitRevParse.RevParseParameters[gitRevParse.SwitchInsideWorkingTree] = True output = gitRevParse.Execute() return (output == "true") except CommonException: return False def __UninstallGitFilters(self): self._host.LogNormal(" Uninstalling Git filters...") for fileFormat in [None, "rest", "vhdl"]: filterName = "filter.normalize" if (fileFormat is not None): filterName += "_" + fileFormat try: git = self._git.GetGitConfig() git.ConfigParameters[git.SwitchRemoveSection] = True git.ConfigParameters[git.ValueFilterParameters] = filterName git.Execute() except CommonException: self._host.LogWarning(" Error while removing section {0}.".format(filterName)) def __InstallGitFilters(self): self._host.LogNormal(" Installing Git filters...") normalizeScript = "tools/git/filters/" pocInstallationPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['InstallationDirectory']) normalizeScriptPath = pocInstallationPath / normalizeScript if (not normalizeScriptPath.exists()): raise ConfigurationException("Normalize script '{0!s}' not found.".format(normalizeScriptPath)) from FileNotFoundError(str(normalizeScriptPath)) try: commonCleanParameters = normalizeScript + " clean" commonSmudgeParameters = normalizeScript + " smudge" for fileFormat in [None, "rest", "vhdl"]: filterName = "normalize" cleanParameters = commonCleanParameters smudgeParameters = commonSmudgeParameters if (fileFormat is not None): filterName += "_" + fileFormat cleanParameters += " " + fileFormat smudgeParameters += " " + fileFormat git = self._git.GetGitConfig() git.ConfigParameters[git.ValueFilterClean] = filterName git.ConfigParameters[git.ValueFilterParameters] = cleanParameters git.Execute() git = self._git.GetGitConfig() git.ConfigParameters[git.ValueFilterSmudge] = filterName git.ConfigParameters[git.ValueFilterParameters] = smudgeParameters git.Execute() except CommonException: return False def __UninstallGitHooks(self): self._host.LogNormal(" Uninstalling Git hooks...") pocInstallationPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['InstallationDirectory']) hookRunnerPath = pocInstallationPath / "tools/git/hooks/" gitDirectoryPath = self.__GetGitDirectory() gitHookDirectoryPath = gitDirectoryPath / "hooks" for hookName in ["pre-commit"]: gitHookPath = gitHookDirectoryPath / hookName if gitHookPath.exists(): if (gitHookPath.is_symlink() and (gitHookPath.resolve() == hookRunnerPath)): self._host.LogNormal(" '{0}' hook is configured for PoC. Deleting.".format(hookName)) try: gitHookPath.unlink() except OSError as ex: raise ConfigurationException("Cannot remove '{0!s}'.".format(gitHookPath)) from ex else: # TODO: check if file was copied -> Hash compare? self._host.LogWarning(" '{0}' hook is in use by another script. Skipping.".format(hookName)) def __InstallGitHooks(self): self._host.LogNormal(" Installing Git hooks...") pocInstallationPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['InstallationDirectory']) hookRunnerPath = pocInstallationPath / "tools/git/hooks/" if (not hookRunnerPath.exists()): raise ConfigurationException("Runner script '{0!s}' not found.".format(hookRunnerPath)) from FileNotFoundError(str(hookRunnerPath)) gitDirectoryPath = self.__GetGitDirectory() gitHookDirectoryPath = gitDirectoryPath / "hooks" for hookName in ["pre-commit"]: gitHookPath = gitHookDirectoryPath / hookName if gitHookPath.exists(): if (gitHookPath.is_symlink() and (gitHookPath.resolve() == hookRunnerPath)): self._host.LogNormal(" '{0}' hook is already configured for PoC.".format(hookName)) else: self._host.LogWarning(" '{0}' hook is already in use by another script.".format(hookName)) else: self._host.LogNormal(" Setting '{0}' hook for PoC...".format(hookName)) self._host.LogDebug("symlink '{0!s}' -> '{1!s}'.".format(gitHookPath, hookRunnerPath)) try: gitHookPath.symlink_to(hookRunnerPath) except OSError as ex: # if symlink fails, do a copy as backup solution if getattr(ex, 'winerror', None) == 1314: self._host.LogDebug("copy '{0!s}' to '{1!s}'.".format(hookRunnerPath, gitHookPath)) try: shutil_copy(str(hookRunnerPath), str(gitHookPath)) except OSError as ex2: raise ConfigurationException() from ex2 def __GetGitDirectory(self): try: gitRevParse = self._git.GetGitRevParse() gitRevParse.RevParseParameters[gitRevParse.SwitchGitDir] = True gitDirectory = gitRevParse.Execute() gitDirectoryPath = Path(gitDirectory) except CommonException as ex: raise ConfigurationException() from ex # WORKAROUND: GIT REV-PARSE # if the Git repository isn't a Git submodule AND the current working # directory is the Git top-level directory, then 'rev-parse' returns a # relative path, otherwise the path is already absolute. if (not gitDirectoryPath.is_absolute()): pocInstallationPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['InstallationDirectory']) gitDirectoryPath = pocInstallationPath / gitDirectoryPath return gitDirectoryPath
[docs]class Git(ToolMixIn):
[docs] def GetGitRevParse(self): git = GitRevParse(self) git.Clear() git.RevParseParameters[GitRevParse.Command] = True return git
[docs] def GetGitRevList(self): git = GitRevList(self) git.Clear() git.RevListParameters[GitRevList.Command] = True return git
[docs] def GetGitDescribe(self): git = GitDescribe(self) git.Clear() git.DescribeParameters[GitDescribe.Command] = True return git
[docs] def GetGitConfig(self): git = GitConfig(self) git.Clear() git.ConfigParameters[GitConfig.Command] = True return git
[docs]class GitSCM(Executable, ToolMixIn): def __init__(self, toolchain : ToolMixIn): ToolMixIn.__init__( self, toolchain._platform, toolchain._dryrun, toolchain._binaryDirectoryPath, toolchain._version, toolchain._logger) if (self._platform == "Windows"): executablePath = self._binaryDirectoryPath / "git.exe" elif (self._platform == "Linux"): executablePath = self._binaryDirectoryPath / "git" elif (self._platform == "Darwin"): executablePath = self._binaryDirectoryPath / "git" else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(self._platform) super().__init__(self._platform, self._dryrun, executablePath, logger=self._logger) self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath
[docs] def Clear(self): for param in self.Parameters: if (param is not self.Executable): self.Parameters[param] = None
[docs] class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument): pass
[docs] class Switch_Version(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "version"
Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Executable, Switch_Version )
[docs]class GitRevParse(GitSCM):
[docs] def Clear(self): super().Clear() for param in self.RevParseParameters: # if isinstance(param, ExecutableArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Value)) # elif isinstance(param, NamedCommandLineArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Name)) if (param is not self.Command): # print(" clearing: {0} = {1} to None".format(param.Name, param.Value)) self.RevParseParameters[param] = None
[docs] class Command(metaclass=CommandArgument): _name = "rev-parse"
[docs] class SwitchInsideWorkingTree(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "is-inside-work-tree"
[docs] class SwitchShowTopLevel(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "show-toplevel"
[docs] class SwitchGitDir(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "git-dir"
RevParseParameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Command, SwitchInsideWorkingTree, SwitchShowTopLevel, SwitchGitDir )
[docs] def Execute(self): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() parameterList += self.RevParseParameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GitException("Failed to launch Git.") from ex # FIXME: Replace GetReader with a shorter call to e.g. GetLine and/or GetLines output = "" for line in self.GetReader(): output += line return output
[docs]class GitRevList(GitSCM):
[docs] def Clear(self): super().Clear() for param in self.RevListParameters: # if isinstance(param, ExecutableArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Value)) # elif isinstance(param, NamedCommandLineArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Name)) if (param is not self.Command): # print(" clearing: {0} = {1} to None".format(param.Name, param.Value)) self.RevListParameters[param] = None
[docs] class Command(metaclass=CommandArgument): _name = "rev-list"
[docs] class SwitchTags(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "tags"
[docs] class SwitchMaxCount(metaclass=LongValuedFlagArgument): _name = "max-count"
RevListParameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Command, SwitchTags, SwitchMaxCount )
[docs] def Execute(self): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() parameterList += self.RevListParameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GitException("Failed to launch Git.") from ex # FIXME: Replace GetReader with a shorter call to e.g. GetLine and/or GetLines output = "" for line in self.GetReader(): output += line return output
[docs]class GitDescribe(GitSCM):
[docs] def Clear(self): super().Clear() for param in self.DescribeParameters: # if isinstance(param, ExecutableArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Value)) # elif isinstance(param, NamedCommandLineArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Name)) if (param is not self.Command): # print(" clearing: {0} = {1} to None".format(param.Name, param.Value)) self.DescribeParameters[param] = None
[docs] class Command(metaclass=CommandArgument): _name = "describe"
[docs] class SwitchAbbrev(metaclass=LongValuedFlagArgument): _name = "abbrev"
[docs] class SwitchTags(metaclass=LongTupleArgument): _name = "tags"
DescribeParameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Command, SwitchAbbrev, SwitchTags )
[docs] def Execute(self): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() parameterList += self.DescribeParameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GitException("Failed to launch Git.") from ex # FIXME: Replace GetReader with a shorter call to e.g. GetLine and/or GetLines output = "" for line in self.GetReader(): output += line return output
[docs]class GitConfig(GitSCM):
[docs] def Clear(self): super().Clear() for param in self.ConfigParameters: # if isinstance(param, ExecutableArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Value)) # elif isinstance(param, NamedCommandLineArgument): # print("{0}".format(param.Name)) if (param is not self.Command): # print(" clearing: {0} = {1} to None".format(param.Name, param.Value)) self.ConfigParameters[param] = None
[docs] class Command(metaclass=CommandArgument): _name = "config"
[docs] class SwitchUnset(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "unset"
[docs] class SwitchRemoveSection(metaclass=LongFlagArgument): _name = "remove-section"
[docs] class ValueFilterClean(metaclass=ValuedFlagArgument): _name = "clean" _pattern = "filter.{1}.{0}"
[docs] class ValueFilterSmudge(metaclass=ValuedFlagArgument): _name = "smudge" _pattern = "filter.{1}.{0}"
[docs] class ValueFilterParameters(metaclass=StringArgument): pass
ConfigParameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Command, SwitchUnset, SwitchRemoveSection, ValueFilterClean, ValueFilterSmudge, ValueFilterParameters )
[docs] def Execute(self): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() parameterList += self.ConfigParameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise GitException("Failed to launch Git.") from ex # FIXME: Replace GetReader with a shorter call to e.g. GetLine and/or GetLines output = "" for line in self.GetReader(): output += line return output
# LOCAL = git rev-parse @ # PS G:\git\PoC> git rev-parse "@" # 9c05494ef52c276dabec69dbf734a22f65939305 # REMOTE = git rev-parse @{u} # PS G:\git\PoC> git rev-parse "@{u}" # 0ff166a40010c1b85a5ab655eea0148474f680c6 # MERGEBASE = git merge-base @ @{u} # PS G:\git\PoC> git merge-base "@" "@{u}" # 0ff166a40010c1b85a5ab655eea0148474f680c6 # if (local == remote): return "Up-to-date" # elif (local == base): return "Need to pull" # elif (remote == base): return "Need to push" # else: return "divergent"