Source code for ToolChain.Lattice.Diamond

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
# Python Class:     Lattice Diamond specific classes
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
import time

from pathlib                  import Path
from subprocess               import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT

from lib.Functions            import Init
from Base.Exceptions          import PlatformNotSupportedException
from Base.Logging             import Severity, LogEntry
from Base.Executable          import CommandLineArgumentList, ExecutableArgument, ShortTupleArgument, DryRunException
from Base.Project             import File, FileTypes, VHDLVersion
from ToolChain                import ToolMixIn, ConfigurationException, ToolConfiguration, OutputFilteredExecutable
from ToolChain.GNU            import Bash
from ToolChain.Windows        import Cmd
from ToolChain.Lattice        import LatticeException

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class DiamondException(LatticeException): pass
[docs]class Configuration(ToolConfiguration): _vendor = "Lattice" #: The name of the tools vendor. _toolName = "Lattice Diamond" #: The name of the tool. _section = "INSTALL.Lattice.Diamond" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Vendor.ToolName``. _multiVersionSupport = True #: Lattice Diamond supports multiple versions installed on the same system. _template = { "Windows": { _section: { "Version": "3.8", "SectionName": ("%{PathWithRoot}#${Version}", None), "InstallationDirectory": ("${${SectionName}:InstallationDirectory}", "${INSTALL.Lattice:InstallationDirectory}/Diamond/${Version}_x64"), "BinaryDirectory": ("${${SectionName}:BinaryDirectory}", "${InstallationDirectory}/bin/nt64"), "BinaryDirectory2": ("${${SectionName}:BinaryDirectory2}", "${InstallationDirectory}/ispfpga/bin/nt64") } }, "Linux": { _section: { "Version": "3.8", "SectionName": ("%{PathWithRoot}#${Version}", None), "InstallationDirectory": ("${${SectionName}:InstallationDirectory}", "${INSTALL.Lattice:InstallationDirectory}/diamond/${Version}_x64"), "BinaryDirectory": ("${${SectionName}:BinaryDirectory}", "${InstallationDirectory}/bin/lin64"), "BinaryDirectory2": ("${${SectionName}:BinaryDirectory2}", "${InstallationDirectory}/ispfpga/bin/lin64") } } } #: The template for the configuration sections represented as nested dictionaries.
[docs] def CheckDependency(self): """Check if general Lattice support is configured in PoC.""" return (len(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.Lattice']) != 0)
[docs] def ConfigureForAll(self): try: if (not self._AskInstalled("Is Lattice Diamond installed on your system?")): self.ClearSection() else: # Configure Diamond version version = self._ConfigureVersion() if self._multiVersionSupport: self.PrepareVersionedSections() sectionName = self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['SectionName'] self._host.PoCConfig[sectionName]['Version'] = version self._ConfigureInstallationDirectory() binPath = self._ConfigureBinaryDirectory() self.__CheckDiamondVersion(binPath, version) self._host.LogNormal("{DARK_GREEN}Lattice Diamond is now configured.{NOCOLOR}".format(**Init.Foreground), indent=1) except ConfigurationException: self.ClearSection() raise
def __CheckDiamondVersion(self, binPath, version): if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"): tclShellPath = binPath / "pnmainc.exe" else: tclShellPath = binPath / "pnmainc" if not tclShellPath.exists(): raise ConfigurationException("Executable '{0!s}' not found.".format(tclShellPath)) from FileNotFoundError( str(tclShellPath)) try: output = check_output([str(tclShellPath), "???"], stderr=STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) except CalledProcessError as ex: output = ex.output for line in output.split('\n'): if str(version) in line: break else: raise ConfigurationException("Diamond version mismatch. Expected version {0}.".format(version)) self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = version
[docs] def _ConfigureBinaryDirectory(self): """Updates section with value from _template and returns directory as Path object.""" binPath = super()._ConfigureBinaryDirectory() # unresolved = self._template[self._host.Platform][self._section]['BinaryDirectory2'] # self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['BinaryDirectory2'] = unresolved # create entry defaultPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['BinaryDirectory2']) # resolve entry binPath2 = defaultPath # may be more complex in the future if (not binPath2.exists()): raise ConfigurationException("{0!s} 2nd binary directory '{1!s}' does not exist.".format(self, binPath2)) \ from NotADirectoryError(str(binPath2)) return binPath
[docs]class Diamond(ToolMixIn):
[docs] def PreparseEnvironment(self, installationDirectory): if (self._platform == "Linux"): cmd = Bash(self._platform, self._dryrun, logger=self._logger) settingsFile = installationDirectory / "bin/lin64/diamond_env" self._environment = cmd.GetEnvironment(settingsFile, variables="bindir={0!s}/bin/lin64; ".format(installationDirectory)) elif (self._platform == "Windows"): cmd = Cmd(self._platform, self._dryrun, logger=self._logger) self._environment = cmd.GetEnvironment() self._environment.Variables['LSC_INI_PATH'] = "" self._environment.Variables['LSC_DIAMOND'] = "true" self._environment.Variables['FOUNDRY'] = str(installationDirectory / "ispFPGA") self._environment.Variables['TCL_LIBRARY'] = str(installationDirectory / "tcltk\\lib\\tcl8.5")
[docs] def GetSynthesizer(self): return Synth(self)
[docs]class Synth(OutputFilteredExecutable, ToolMixIn): def __init__(self, toolchain : ToolMixIn): ToolMixIn.__init__( self, toolchain._platform, toolchain._dryrun, toolchain._binaryDirectoryPath, toolchain._version, toolchain._logger) if (self._platform == "Windows"): executablePath = self._binaryDirectoryPath / "synthesis.exe" elif (self._platform == "Linux"): executablePath = self._binaryDirectoryPath / "synthesis" else: raise PlatformNotSupportedException(self._platform) super().__init__(self._platform, self._dryrun, executablePath, environment=toolchain._environment, logger=self._logger) self.Parameters[self.Executable] = executablePath
[docs] class Executable(metaclass=ExecutableArgument): pass
[docs] class SwitchProjectFile(metaclass=ShortTupleArgument): _name = "f" _value = None
Parameters = CommandLineArgumentList( Executable, SwitchProjectFile ) @staticmethod
[docs] def GetLogFileReader(logFile): while True: if logFile.exists(): break time.sleep(5) # FIXME: implement a 'tail -f' functionality with'r') as logFileHandle: for line in logFileHandle: yield line[:-1]
[docs] def Compile(self, logFile): parameterList = self.Parameters.ToArgumentList() self.LogVerbose("command: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) if (self._dryrun): self.LogDryRun("Start process: {0}".format(" ".join(parameterList))) return try: self.StartProcess(parameterList) except Exception as ex: raise LatticeException("Failed to launch LSE.") from ex self._hasOutput = False self._hasWarnings = False self._hasErrors = False try: iterator = iter(CompilerFilter(self.GetReader())) line = next(iterator) self._hasOutput = True self.LogNormal(" LSE messages for '{0}'".format(self.Parameters[self.SwitchProjectFile])) self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2))) while True: self._hasWarnings |= (line.Severity is Severity.Warning) self._hasErrors |= (line.Severity is Severity.Error) line.IndentBy(self.Logger.BaseIndent + 1) self.Log(line) line = next(iterator) except DryRunException: pass except StopIteration: pass finally: if self._hasOutput: self.LogNormal(" " + ("-" * (78 - self.Logger.BaseIndent*2)))
[docs]class SynthesisArgumentFile(File): def __init__(self, file): super().__init__(file) self._architecture = None self._device = None self._speedGrade = None self._package = None self._topLevel = None self.Logfile = None self._vhdlVersion = VHDLVersion.Any self._hdlParams = {} @property def Architecture(self): return self._architecture @Architecture.setter def Architecture(self, value): self._architecture = value @property def Device(self): return self._device @Device.setter def Device(self, value): self._device = value @property def SpeedGrade(self): return self._speedGrade @SpeedGrade.setter def SpeedGrade(self, value): self._speedGrade = value @property def Package(self): return self._package @Package.setter def Package(self, value): self._package = value @property def TopLevel(self): return self._topLevel @TopLevel.setter def TopLevel(self, value): self._topLevel = value @property def LogFile(self): return self.Logfile @LogFile.setter def LogFile(self, value): self.Logfile = value @property def VHDLVersion(self): return self._vhdlVersion @VHDLVersion.setter def VHDLVersion(self, value): self._vhdlVersion = value @property def HDLParams(self): return self._hdlParams
[docs] def Write(self, project): if (self._file is None): raise DiamondException("No file path for SynthesisArgumentFile provided.") buffer = "" if (self._architecture is None): raise DiamondException("Argument 'Architecture' (-a) is not set.") buffer += "-a {0}\n".format(self._architecture) if (self._device is None): raise DiamondException("Argument 'Device' (-d) is not set.") buffer += "-d {0}\n".format(self._device) if (self._speedGrade is None): raise DiamondException("Argument 'SpeedGrade' (-s) is not set.") buffer += "-s {0}\n".format(self._speedGrade) if (self._package is None): raise DiamondException("Argument 'Package' (-t) is not set.") buffer += "-t {0}\n".format(self._package) if (self._topLevel is None): raise DiamondException("Argument 'TopLevel' (-top) is not set.") buffer += "-top {0}\n".format(self._topLevel) if (self._vhdlVersion is VHDLVersion.VHDL2008): buffer += "-vh2008\n" if (self.Logfile is not None): buffer += "-logfile {0}\n".format(self.Logfile) for keyValuePair in self._hdlParams.items(): buffer += "-hdl_param {0} {1}\n".format(*keyValuePair) for file in project.Files(fileType=FileTypes.VHDLSourceFile): buffer += "-lib {library}\n-vhd {file}\n".format(file=file.Path.as_posix(), library=file.LibraryName) with'w') as fileHandle: fileHandle.write(buffer)
[docs]def MapFilter(gen): for line in gen: yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)
[docs]def CompilerFilter(gen): for line in gen: if line.startswith("ERROR "): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error) elif line.startswith("WARNING "): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Warning) elif line.startswith("INFO "): yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Info) else: yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)