Source code for ToolChain.PoC

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
#										Thomas B. Preusser
# Python Class:     PoC specific classes
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from os                   import environ
from pathlib              import Path
from subprocess           import CalledProcessError

from Base.Exceptions      import EnvironmentException
from ToolChain            import ToolConfiguration
from ToolChain.Git        import Git

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class Configuration(ToolConfiguration): _vendor = "VLSI-EDA" #: The name of the tools vendor. _toolName = "PoC" #: The name of the tool. _section = "INSTALL.PoC" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Vendor.ToolName``. _template = { "ALL": { _section: { "Version": "1.1.1", "InstallationDirectory": "", "RepositoryKind": "Public", "IsGitRepository": "True", "GitRemoteBranch": "master", "MultiVersionSupport": "True", "HasInstalledGitHooks": "False", "HasInstalledGitFilters": "False" }, "SOLUTION.Solutions": {} } } #: The template for the configuration sections represented as nested dictionaries.
[docs] def ConfigureForAll(self): pocInstallationDirectory = Path(environ.get('PoCRootDirectory')) if (not pocInstallationDirectory.exists()): raise EnvironmentException("Path '{0!s}' in environment variable 'PoCRootDirectory' does not exist.".format(pocInstallationDirectory)) elif (not pocInstallationDirectory.is_dir()): raise EnvironmentException("Path '{0!s}' in environment variable 'PoCRootDirectory' is not a directory.".format(pocInstallationDirectory)) \ from NotADirectoryError(str(pocInstallationDirectory)) self._host.LogNormal(" Installation directory: {0!s} (found in environment variable)".format(pocInstallationDirectory)) self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['InstallationDirectory'] = pocInstallationDirectory.as_posix()
[docs] def RunPostConfigurationTasks(self): success = False if (len(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.Git']) != 0): try: binaryDirectoryPath = Path(self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.Git']['BinaryDirectory']) git = Git(self._host.Platform, self._host.DryRun, binaryDirectoryPath, "", logger=self._host.Logger) gitDescribe = git.GetGitDescribe() gitDescribe.DescribeParameters[gitDescribe.SwitchAbbrev] = 0 gitDescribe.DescribeParameters[gitDescribe.SwitchTags] = "" # specify no hash latestTagName = gitDescribe.Execute().strip() self._host.LogNormal(" PoC version: {0} (found in git)".format(latestTagName)) self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['Version'] = latestTagName success = True except CalledProcessError: pass if not success: self._host.LogWarning("Can't get version information from latest Git tag.") pocVersion = self._template['ALL']['INSTALL.PoC']['Version'] self._host.LogNormal(" PoC version: {0} (found in default configuration)".format(pocVersion)) self._host.PoCConfig['INSTALL.PoC']['Version'] = pocVersion
# LOCAL = git rev-parse @ # PS G:\git\PoC> git rev-parse "@" # 9c05494ef52c276dabec69dbf734a22f65939305 # REMOTE = git rev-parse @{u} # PS G:\git\PoC> git rev-parse "@{u}" # 0ff166a40010c1b85a5ab655eea0148474f680c6 # MERGEBASE = git merge-base @ @{u} # PS G:\git\PoC> git merge-base "@" "@{u}" # 0ff166a40010c1b85a5ab655eea0148474f680c6 # if (local == remote): return "Up-to-date" # elif (local == base): return "Need to pull" # elif (remote == base): return "Need to push" # else: return "divergent"