Source code for ToolChain.Xilinx

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# ==============================================================================
# Authors:          Patrick Lehmann
#                   Martin Zabel
# Python Class:     TODO
# License:
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
#                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# load dependencies
from os                       import environ
from pathlib                  import Path

from Base.Project             import FileTypes, VHDLVersion
from ToolChain                import ToolChainException, VendorConfiguration

__api__ = [
__all__ = __api__

[docs]class XilinxException(ToolChainException): pass
[docs]class Configuration(VendorConfiguration): """Configuration routines for Xilinx as a vendor. This configuration provides a common installation directory setup for all Xilinx tools installed on a system. """ _vendor = "Xilinx" #: The name of the tools vendor. _section = "INSTALL.Xilinx" #: The name of the configuration section. Pattern: ``INSTALL.Vendor.ToolName``. _template = { "Windows": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "C:/Xilinx" } }, "Linux": { _section: { "InstallationDirectory": "/opt/Xilinx" } } } #: The template for the configuration sections represented as nested dictionaries.
[docs] def _GetDefaultInstallationDirectory(self): xilinx = environ.get("XILINX") if (xilinx is not None): return Path(xilinx).parent.parent.parent.as_posix() xilinx = environ.get("XILINX_VIVADO") if (xilinx is not None): return Path(xilinx).parent.parent.as_posix() path = self._TestDefaultInstallPath({"Windows": "Xilinx", "Linux": "Xilinx"}) if path is None: return super()._GetDefaultInstallationDirectory() return path.as_posix()
[docs]class XilinxProjectExportMixIn: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def _GenerateXilinxProjectFileContent(self, tool, vhdlVersion=VHDLVersion.VHDL93): projectFileContent = "" for file in self.PoCProject.Files(fileType=FileTypes.VHDLSourceFile | FileTypes.VerilogSourceFile): # self.PoCProject only available via late binding if (not file.Path.exists()): raise XilinxException("Cannot add '{0!s}' to {1} project file.".format(file.Path, tool)) from FileNotFoundError(str(file.Path)) if file.FileType is FileTypes.VHDLSourceFile: # create one VHDL line for each VHDL file if (vhdlVersion is VHDLVersion.VHDL2008): projectFileContent += "vhdl2008 {0} \"{1!s}\"\n".format(file.LibraryName, file.Path) else: projectFileContent += "vhdl {0} \"{1!s}\"\n".format(file.LibraryName, file.Path) else: # verilog projectFileContent += "verilog work \"{0!s}\"\n".format(file.Path) return projectFileContent
[docs] def _WriteXilinxProjectFile(self, projectFilePath, tool, vhdlVersion=VHDLVersion.VHDL93): projectFileContent = self._GenerateXilinxProjectFileContent(tool, vhdlVersion) self.LogDebug("Writing {0} project file to '{1!s}'".format(tool, projectFilePath)) # self.LogDebug only available via late binding with'w') as prjFileHandle: prjFileHandle.write(projectFileContent)