
This DDR2 memory controller is pre-configured for the Digilent Atlys development board. The board is equipped with a single 1 GiBit DDR2 memory chip (128 MiByte) from MIRA (MIRA P3R1GE3EGF G8E DDR2).

Run the following two steps to create the IP core:

  1. Generate the source files from the IP core using Xilinx MIG and afterwards patch them
    PS> .\poc.ps1 coregen PoC.xil.mig.Atlys_1x128 --board=Atlys
  2. Compile the patched sources into a ready to use netlist (*.ngc) and constraint file (*.ucf)
    PS> .\poc.ps1 xst PoC.xil.mig.Atlys_1x128 --board=Atlys

See also

Using PoC -> Synthesis
For how to run Core Generator and XST from PoC.